
Related News - Social Welfare Law Reform

  1. Generic Image - CourtroomLegal rights body disappointed at Commission failure to include Deaf Jurors Issued 15 April 2013 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Include deaf on inquest and civil juries, says FLAC  FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today welcomed the Law Reform Commission’s call to widen the pool of potential jurors …
  2. Oct 2012 - Nils Muiznieks MichaelFarrell LydiaFoyTransgender law needed to avoid two-tier system Issued 27 March 2013 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| The government must legislate for the recognition of all transgender people in Ireland, said legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today. The organisation made …
  3. FLACUN report criticises barriers for human rights defenders in Ireland Issued 4 March 2013 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has welcomed a report on the situation of human rights defenders in Ireland by the United Nations Special Rapporteur, …
  4. June 2010 - Lydia Foy Michael Farrell Press ConferNew legal proceedings issued to highlight continued state injustice on transgender rights Issued 27 February 2013 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today announced it had issued fresh proceedings on behalf of Dr Lydia Foy, a transgender woman who has been fighting for …
  5. FLACEU has duty to protect citizens' rights as much as preserve fiscal stability Issued 7 February 2013 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| An event taking place in Dublin today and organised by Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA) will showcase the European Union's Charter protecting the fundamental rights of …
  6. Thomas HammarbergWe need human rights standards to rebalance society in austerity Issued 13 December 2012 |human-rights-law| One of Europe's most respected human rights champions has today spoken out against the relentless drive to austerity, saying that Ireland needs to rebalance itself by …
  7. Oct 2012 - Nils Muiznieks MichaelFarrell LydiaFoyEuropean rights watchdog demands action on transgender rights, asylum reform Issued 6 December 2012 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| A leading European human rights watchdog has released details of his correspondence with Irish ministers, calling on the government to  work more quickly to legislate for …
  8. Publication cover - Lydia Foy & The Struggle for Gender RecognitionLydia Foy and the Struggle for Gender Recognition: a case study in public interest litigation Issued 30 November 2012 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Legal update on Lydia Foy's struggle for gender recognition, written by FLAC Senior Solicitor Michael Farrell for the inaugural edition of the DCU Socio Legal Studies Review. …
  9. Publication cover - The role of litigation Amnesty conference 22Nov2012The role of litigation: Giant Leaps and Baby Steps Issued 23 November 2012 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| A paper on the role of litigation in securing economic, social and cultural rights presented by FLAC's Michael Farrell to the Amnesty International Conference 2012. The …
  10. FLACEurope rights leader greets Lydia Foy Issued 18 October 2012 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks yesterday (Thursday) met transgender woman Lydia Foy at a conference in Dublin. Speaking at the annual meeting of …
  11. FLACMaintaining basic standards will steer Irish society through recession Issued 5 July 2012 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| Today Minister for Justice Alan Shatter TD opens the Dáil debate on the Personal Insolvency Bill. Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) which will be in …
  12. FLACThe proposed merger of the Irish Human Rights Commission and the Equality Authority Issued 1 June 2012 |human-rights-law|legal-information| A paper presented by FLAC Senior Solicitor Michael Farrell at the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) seminar on anti-discrimination bodies, June 2012
  13. FLACIndependence of new body the key to ensuring equality and human rights Issued 20 April 2012 |human-rights-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the strong call for a new Human Rights & Equality Commission to be fully independent of government. …
  14. Publication cover - Transgender Bill promised for year's endFoy compensation decision welcome but legislation still needed Issued 4 April 2012 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| FLAC welcomes the Government decision to consider paying compensation to Dr Lydia Foy for its failure to officially recognise her as a woman for many years but points out …
  15. FLACTransgender woman in civil partnership Issued 22 February 2012 |human-rights-law| A transgender woman has officially entered a civil partnership with her female partner in Ireland. The registration ceremony, which took place some time ago, amounts to legal …
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