
Related News - Social Welfare Law Reform

  1. FLACFLAC wins appeal against decision of Financial Services Ombudsman Issued 27 July 2011 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| In a decision in the High Court this morning, Judge Hanna found that the practice of some Finance Companies in refusing to accept back cars where Hire Purchase agreements …
  2. FLACFLAC welcomes steps on law reforms Issued 24 June 2011 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law| FLAC welcomes the early introduction of a new Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. The Bill, which was due to be introduced in the autumn of 2011 has been brought …
  3. FLACLegal rights group says better system for debt an urgent essential Issued 2 June 2011 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) today released its Annual Report for 2010. Demand for information and advice from FLAC's network of free legal advice clinics, provided by …
  4. FLACFLAC reaction to frustration of Master of High Court Issued 12 May 2011 |debt-law-reform| The frustration felt by the Master of the High Court, Master Edmund Honohan, at the lack of an effective legal system for people who are seriously over indebted is also a …
  5. FLACHomeowners are under immense stress too Issued 31 March 2011 |debt-law-reform| "On foot of the bank 'stress tests,' there continues to be a lack of focus on struggling homeowners" The latest round of stress tests on Irish Banks and financial …
  6. FLACFLAC reaction to new mortgage arrears figures 28 Feb 2011 Issued 28 February 2011 |debt-law-reform| FLAC Press Advisory, Monday 28th February 2011. Dublin. Following on the release by the Financial Regulator of the Central Bank of new figures for mortgage arrears on family …
  7. FLACNew banking charges will hit low-income customers hardest Issued 17 February 2011 |consumer-credit-law-reform| Regulator must carry out stress-testing of any charges and be empowered to ensure fairness This week another bank will introduce new charges which will negatively impact …
  8. FLACFLAC publishes guide to improved Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears Issued 18 January 2011 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|legal-information| "The focus must be to keep people in their homes" The independent legal rights organisation FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has issued guidelines to assist …
  9. FLACFLAC calls for Dynamic Debt Settlement System Issued 16 December 2010 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| In a society where credit has become the main driver of consumer spending, there has been an unacceptable failure by government to change the law to reflect that change in …
  10. FLACExpert Group Report: An Important Step In Addressing The Mortgage Arrears Problem Issued 17 November 2010 |debt-law-reform| Today's Final Report from the Expert Group on Mortgage Arrears and Personal Debt contains a number of recommendations, which if implemented, should improve the situation for …
  11. FLACFLAC: Debt Advice and Information Services must be protected from budget cuts Issued 4 November 2010 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| The latest statistics from MABS, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service, reveal that the average waiting time for a first-time appointment in some areas is now over two …
  12. FLACStruggling Homeowners’ Needs Must be Prioritised Issued 1 September 2010 |debt-law-reform| Wednesday 1 September 2010 Today the Financial Regulator has released quarterly figures which once again reveal a disturbing increase in the number of households in serious …
  13. Public given rare opportunity to shape mortgage arrears policy Issued 19 August 2010 |debt-law-reform| The Financial Regulator is currently revising its Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears. As part of a consultation, it is offering the public a rare chance to contribute its …
  14. FLACCautious welcome for Financial Regulator's proposals Issued 13 August 2010 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today gave a cautious welcome to the Financial Regulator's consultation paper on the code of conduct for mortgage arrears. Noting that the …
  15. FLACFLAC welcomes interim recommendations of Expert Group Issued 6 July 2010 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| FLAC today welcomed provisions contained in the interim report of the Mortgage Arrears and Personal Debt Expert Group but noted that major issues remain to be addressed by …
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