
Related News - Social Welfare Law Reform

  1. FLACIMF support for vulnerable homeowners brings a necessary balance: says FLAC Issued 25 June 2010 |debt-law-reform| The legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) said today that the recommendation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in relation to vulnerable houseowners was …
  2. FLACNew credit legislation brings no clarity for consumers Issued 14 June 2010 |consumer-credit-law-reform| Despite assurances following regulatory failures, the government has again failed to adequately prioritise consumer interests, said legal rights group FLAC today. This …
  3. FLACFLAC warns of danger to society from rise in serious mortgage arrears Issued 27 May 2010 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC expressed grave concern today over fresh figures from the Financial Regulator that show mortgage arrears are continuing to rise steadily. The …
  4. FLACWide range of solutions to mortgage crisis needed, not silver bullet Issued 26 May 2010 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed comments earlier today from Financial Regulator Matthew Elderfield that indicated consumer concerns were a priority for the …
  5. Publication Cover - FLAC Annual Report 2009Urgent need to regulate debt collection industry Issued 18 May 2010 |debt-law-reform| A not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for legal rights called today for the regulation of debt collection in Ireland in the face of increasing contact by harassed …
  6. FLACGovernment must not forget 'My NAMA' in debt crisis Issued 30 March 2010 |debt-law-reform| A not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for the legal rights of indebted consumers called on the government today to strike a balance in its approach to Ireland's debt …
  7. FLACMortgage arrears figures for end of 2009 continue to cause worry Issued 3 March 2010 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today warned that information from the Financial Regulator on mortgage arrears for the last quarter of 2009 continues the upward trend in …
  8. FLACNew mortgage arrears committee must provide solutions quickly Issued 26 February 2010 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed confirmation of the formation by the government of a group to deal with the issue of indebtedness. The group includes its Senior …
  9. FLACOireachtas committee echoes FLAC's call to take debts out of the courts Issued 16 February 2010 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed a report from an Oireachtas committee that calls for urgent new measures to tackle overindebtedness. The report from the Joint …
  10. FLACWelcome focus by Minister Ryan on individual debt Issued 30 January 2010 |debt-law-reform| The non-governmental organisation FLAC today welcomed the announcement by Minister Eamon Ryan that the government will soon establish soon an expert panel to advise it in …
  11. FLACMortgage arrears figures show alarming rise Issued 22 December 2009 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today warned that figures from the Financial Regulator on mortgage arrears to the end of September 2009 display a worrying upward trend in …
  12. Speirs011209FLAC1Lecturer warns that debt is the over-riding social problem Issued 2 December 2009 |debt-law-reform| At a lecture on access to justice organised by the independent legal rights group, FLAC, the former independent Senator and Northern Ireland's former Ombudsman Dr Maurice …
  13. FLACConsumer debt in Irish society: Presentation to LRC conference Issued 19 November 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Consumer debt in Irish society Presentation to LRC conference 18 Nov 2009 by Paul Joyce, Senior Policy Researcher, FLAC Introduction In the early 1990s, when I began working …
  14. FLACGovernment cannot miss this chance to get it right on personal debt Issued 18 November 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Independent legal rights body FLAC welcomed the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission on 'Reforming the Law on Personal Debt' at its conference in Dublin Castle today, …
  15. FLACFLAC welcomes bankers’ commitment to those facing difficulties with mortgage repayments. Issued 10 November 2009 |debt-law-reform| Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC), an independent legal rights organisation, has welcomed the Irish Banking Federation statement of intent, which, it says will offer …
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