
Related News - Social Welfare Law Reform

  1. Publication cover - Joint submission on Social Welfare Bill 2010Joint FLAC/NCLC Release: Proposed social welfare measures are unnecessary and regressive Issued 17 June 2010 |social-welfare-law-reform| Two independent legal rights bodies have condemned changes proposed in the government's latest social welfare bill as "unnecessary and regressive." In a joint …
  2. FLACAsylum-seeker exclusion is mean-minded Issued 10 December 2009 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| The Government's proposal to amend the Social Welfare Act to exclude all asylum-seekers from qualifying for social welfare benefits is mean-minded, petty and divisive, said …
  3. FLACBudget response to overindebtedness crisis is entirely inadequate Issued 9 December 2009 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform|social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC Budget Statement 2010 Independent legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has as its main aim to achieve equal access to justice. As part of this overarching …
  4. FLAC Pillar to Post - Paper 3FLAC warns that the distress of Covid may be followed by the stress of consumer over-indebtedness, as the cost of living rises and payment breaks and supports are removed. Issued 3 November 2021 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Today Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) publishes the third of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which examines issues arising in new and existing …
  5. FLAC Pillar to Post Paper 2 Final v‘Ten Years and Counting’ - FLAC paper examines the difficult question of family home mortgage arrears Issued 18 August 2021 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Today, the 18th of August, 2021, FLAC publishes the second of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which assess the difficulties facing consumer borrowers …
  6. FLAC PILLAR to POST Paper One FINAL LRNow is the time to talk about consumer debt warns Legal Rights NGO, FLAC. Issued 30 June 2021 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|   Launch of series of papers – From Pillar to Post  Today, FLAC - Free Legal Advice Centres, launches the first in a series of four papers to raise concerns and create …
  7. FLACFLAC attends Committee scrutiny of No Consent, No Sale Bill, 2019. Issued 18 April 2019 |debt-law-reform| The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform and Taoiseach will hear today from legal rights group FLAC in relation to the detailed scrutiny of …
  8. Sale of mortgage arrears to “vulture funds” a cause of concern Issued 11 May 2018 |debt-law-reform| Sale of mortgage arrears to “vulture funds” a cause of concern New solutions needed to tackle unsustainable debt burdens The announcement by Ulster Bank that it intends …
  9. Stock Image - House Keychain (Mortgages/Housing)As problem of long term mortgage arrears gets worse, new solutions needed to stave off repossession Issued 11 April 2018 |debt-law-reform| Central Back giving itself a “pat on the back” but thousands still at risk of defaulting New solutions which seriously tackle the unstainable debt burdens of thousands of …
  10. Stock Image - Keys, Money, House (Mortgages)As data shows 70,000 mortgages in arrears, deals done on loans sold to vulture funds must be honored Issued 23 March 2018 |debt-law-reform| As data shows 70,000 mortgages in arrears, deals done on loans sold to vulture funds must be honored State must insist that homeowners protected after loans transferred …
  11. Paul190117FLAC: Welcome for stronger consumer protections in new bill dealing with financial complaints Issued 14 July 2017 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC today said a new law will introduce long awaited reforms of the legislation underpinning the Financial Services Ombudsman’s office. Earlier today …
  12. Generic Image - Four CourtsFLAC: Man unlawfully jailed for failure to pay debt released by High Court Issued 30 March 2017 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform| A man was released from Mountjoy Jail last week on High Court bail following an application brought by FLAC, the access to justice organisation, in a case that highlights …
  13. Paul Joyce Jan 2017Worrying trends continue in latest mortgage arrears data – repossessions, restructures, longer term arrears Issued 16 March 2017 |debt-law-reform| The latest data on mortgage arrears released by the Central Bank confirms that worrying trends continue where family homes are in mortgage arrears. Legal rights group FLAC …
  14. Paul Joyce Jan 2017Revamped mortgage-to-rent welcome but more detail required for an effective scheme Issued 8 February 2017 |debt-law-reform| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) said today’s announcement by Minister for Housing Simon Coveney TD that changes are to be made to the mortgage-to-rent scheme following a …
  15. Publication cover - FLAC Pre-Budget 2017 SubmissionBudget 2017 must be fair and improve the lives of those who have been left behind Issued 21 July 2016 |debt-law-reform| Today, legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) called on the State to ensure that human rights are a primary consideration in all budget related decisions. In its …
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