
Related News - Social Welfare Law Reform

  1. FLACStatement on Launch of Insolvency Service of Ireland Issued 18 April 2013 |debt-law-reform| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the issue of guidelines on minimum income and the regulations on Personal Insolvency Practitioners as necessary forerunners to the …
  2. FLACAmend Code to give borrowers stronger hand in dealings with banks Issued 10 April 2013 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform| How banks treat borrowers in mortgage arrears on their family home is the focus today of the Central Bank in its review of a code of conduct for lenders. Legal rights group …
  3. FLACMortgage arrears strategy needs active oversight to deliver on promise of sustainable results Issued 13 March 2013 |debt-law-reform| Mortgage arrears strategy needs active oversight to deliver on promise of sustainable results  Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) says the litmus test of …
  4. FLACMore people in debt - but no corresponding rise in protection for them Issued 7 March 2013 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Two reports issued by the Central Bank this week highlight further concerns for those who are seriously over-indebted, according to legal rights group, FLAC.  The …
  5. FLACScepticism over new IBF debt protocol Issued 18 February 2013 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Article published in the Irish Examiner, 4 February 2013. Reprinted here by kind permission. With the provision of the long-awaited personal insolvency legislation just …
  6. FLACFLAC urges caution on banking sector initiative for voluntary debtor deals Issued 31 January 2013 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today expressed its concerns around yesterday's announcement by the Irish Banking Federation of a new initiative …
  7. FLACNew insolvency law very welcome, but time will tell if it will be effective Issued 20 December 2012 |debt-law-reform| While welcoming the passage through the Oireachtas of Personal Insolvency legislation as a desperately needed development, legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) …
  8. FLACFrightening depth revealed in mortgage arrears figures Issued 13 December 2012 |debt-law-reform| For the thirteenth consecutive quarter, the Central Bank has today released figures that show yet another increase in the level of mortgage arrears that affect people's …
  9. FLACNo cart before horse: Ground-breaking insolvency law needs careful political scrutiny Issued 29 November 2012 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) is seriously concerned that debate on important aspects of the Personal Insolvency legislation will either not happen at …
  10. 2012 11 20_PI bill briefing 003Government debt plan failing consumers Issued 20 November 2012 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Ahead of the Bill's introduction to the Seanad on Wednesday, legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) is today presenting its assessment of the Personal Insolvency …
  11. FLACStrong words must be matched by concrete action on banks' failings Issued 17 October 2012 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today welcomed comments made by both Central Bank and Department of Finance officials that seemed to indicate a tougher …
  12. Publication cover - FLAC reaction to ECB opinion re PI BillComment on ECB Opinion on measures relating to personal insolvency Issued 4 October 2012 |debt-law-reform|legal-information| On 25 July 2012, the Minister for Finance requested an Opinion on the Personal Insolvency Bill 2012 from the European Central Bank (ECB. The full text of that Opinion …
  13. FLACDebtors need sustained support, not just once-off financial advice Issued 6 September 2012 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today gave a mixed reaction to the government's launch of a new independent financial advice scheme for distressed …
  14. FLACNo 'news' in steady growth of mortgage arrears; just rising cost in human misery countrywide Issued 23 August 2012 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform| The Central Bank today released figures showing that residential mortgage arrears are continuing to rise. The following is a statement by the Director General of legal rights …
  15. FLACDavy research shows banks must change approach to tackling mortgage arrears Issued 17 August 2012 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today warned that short-term measures from banks are not coping with Ireland's chronic mortgage arrears problem. Reacting …
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