
Related News - Social Welfare Law Reform

  1. Speirs011208_shapiroSpeech: Steve Shapiro, Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture: 1 Dec 2008 Issued 28 January 2009 ,hr-law-reform,pro-bono, Second Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture, 1 December 2008 Steve Shapiro, Legal Director, ACLU: The evolving human rights landscape in the United States Thank you to FLAC for …
  2. Cover for Charities Bill joint position paperCharities bill will exclude promotion of human rights as charitable purpose Issued 10 December 2008 ,flac-council,hr-law-reform, Four human rights organisations - FLAC, Front Line, ICCL and Amnesty International Ireland - have issued a joint position paper addressed to Senators as they vote for the …
  3. FLACWelfare cuts may trigger homelessness Issued 25 November 2008 ,homelessness,mis,over-indebtedness,sw-law-reform, Proposed legislation to reduce assistance to people unable to pay their mortgage will not lead to government savings in the long run and will damage our over-indebted society …
  4. FLACLenders should face up to irresponsible deals Issued 28 October 2008 ,debt-law-reform-1,moneylending,reckless-lending, Better legislation and money advice needed to curb reckless lending Lenders who offered loans to people who clearly could not repay them should face up to their part in the …
  5. FLACBut who will rescue indebted consumers? Issued 13 October 2008 ,debt-law-reform-1,mortgage-arrears, Now that a rescue package is being put in place for lending banks in Ireland and worldwide, FLAC (the Free Legal Advice Centres) has today urged legislators to step in on …
  6. eralogo_short_smMerger proposals would hit weakest and most vulnerable Issued 24 September 2008 ,equality,hr-law-reform, Government proposals to merge up to five human rights and equality bodies would hit the weakest and most vulnerable in Irish society, says FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres). …
  7. FLACCommittee hears how inconsistent social welfare decisions particularly affect those on low incomes Issued 6 February 2008 ,child-benefit,hrc,social-welfare-appeals, (You can access the full submission in our publications section.) The inconsistencies between the decisions of different officials exacerbates the hardship imposed on very …
  8. CB Launch_NBChild poverty must be government priority Issued 3 July 2007 ,crc,child-benefit,hrc,sw-law-reform, Prior to May 2004, Child Benefit was a universal non-contributory payment paid to the parent/guardian of every child in Ireland. The uncomfortable prospect of so-called …
  9. CG-sem2_colin_sep06Innovations in Public Interest Law and Litigation from India Issued 6 September 2006 ,hr-casework,hr-law-reform, Visit of Indian human rights lawyer and activist Thanks to the good offices of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway and Dr Joshua Castellino in particular, FLAC …
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