
Related News - Access to Justice

  1. Sep 2015 - Group shot with Lydia in centreLydia Foy honoured by European Parliament on day she receives birth certificate Issued 25 September 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| With the final barrier to recognition of her gender removed earlier this month, transgender champion Lydia Foy has this week obtained a birth certificate, giving her full …
  2. Jul 2015 - Lydia and MichaelGender Recognition Act goes live Issued 8 September 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Today (Tues 8 September) it has become possible for the first time for transgender persons to apply to be recognised in their true gender, as the Department of Social …
  3. Publication cover - Overpayments Guide 2015Guide aims to clarify law behind reclaiming welfare overpayments Issued 20 July 2015 |access-to-justice|legal-information|social-welfare-law-reform| Legal rights groups FLAC and Community Law & Mediation have today launched two guides to the law underpinning the recovery of social welfare overpayments.  The guides …
  4. Jul 2015 - Trans Recog Act 2015 group‘Red letter day’ for transgender rights in Ireland with passing of recognition law Issued 15 July 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the passing by Seanad Eireann of the Gender Recognition Act which will, for the first time, allow Transgender persons to be …
  5. Publication cover - Annual Report 2014Over 28,000 people received legal help in 2014 Issued 6 July 2015 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|flac-information|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Minister for Justice & Equality Frances Fitzgerald today launched the Annual Report for 2014 of legal rights group FLAC. Launching the report and a guide to the law on …
  6. Generic Image - Leaflets & BooksFailure to deal with top-up loans leaves burden on poorest families Issued 16 June 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform| It is reported today that the Financial Services Ombudsman’s Bureau has upheld a complaint by a Donegal couple who complained about their loan from a leading moneylender …
  7. June 2015 - Geneva ICESCR DelegationNoeline Blackwell address to UN Committee Issued 8 June 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Oral Presentation:  To the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights By:   Noeline Blackwell on behalf of FLAC (the Free Legal Advice Centres) and the Our Voice …
  8. Lydia FoyLydia Foy wins European Citizens prize Issued 4 June 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Update: Lydia Foy wins European Citizens prize FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres)  welcomes the award of the prestigious European Citizens Prize for Ireland to Dr Lydia Foy to …
  9. Stock Image - DoorknockerBriefing: Mortgage Arrears Figures issued 4 June 2015 Issued 4 June 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| FLAC Briefing Note Central Bank Mortgage Arrears Figures issued 4 June 2015 Quite late into the second quarter of 2015, the Central Bank has today issued finally figures on …
  10. Dec 2012 - Lydia Foy with President HigginsIreland now one of most progressive states on Transgender recognition Issued 4 June 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|   Ireland is now one of the “most progressive states in the world” on legal recognition of Transgender people following the government’s amendments to the Gender …
  11. May 2015 - FIDH Conference SpeakersInternational event examines impact of austerity on basic rights Issued 14 May 2015 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Human rights organisations from all over Europe and Irish bodies working on economic, social and cultural rights issues are meeting in Dublin this morning to examine how …
  12. Government announcement represents some progress on mortgage arrears Issued 13 May 2015 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Today’s announcement from government of proposed reforms to assist those in mortgage arrears marks progress and is a recognition that there has been an unfair imbalance in …
  13. Publication cover - Our Voice Our RightsMinister Sean Sherlock to lead government delegation to UN examination of Ireland Issued 24 April 2015 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Ahead of a United Nations examination of Ireland in June, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade this morning announced that the government delegation will be led by …
  14. Generic Image - StairwayEuropean rights body to examine local authority tenants housing complaint Issued 24 March 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| Dublin, Paris, 24 March 2015 – A landmark collective complaint against Ireland, which outlines appalling and widespread sub-standard housing issues across 20 Local …
  15. Stock Image - Scales of Justice with HandsSurvey: Irish lawyers ready, willing and able to help for social good Issued 16 March 2015 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| The first ever survey on pro bono legal work in Ireland reveals a strong and growing appetite among the legal professions for providing help to those who cannot afford it. …
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