
Related News - Access to Justice

  1. Generic Image - Rainbow Flag18-year transgender case ends as recognition bill discussed in Seanad Issued 29 January 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| The long-running Lydia Foy case ended in the High Court today (Thursday), with  Senior Counsel for Dr Foy, Bill Shipsey SC, telling the court that the case could be struck …
  2. Publication cover - Paper: Owner Occupier Mortgage Arrears-Progress on ResolutionAnalysis of mortgage arrears data shows Government strategy not working Issued 15 January 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| An in-depth analysis of the steps taken by the state and lenders to resolve the owner occupier mortgage arrears crisis indicates that the Government’s current approach is …
  3. Dec 2012 - Lydia Foy with President HigginsFLAC welcomes Gender Recognition Bill after 17-year legal battle Issued 19 December 2014 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Campaigner Lydia Foy speaks of joy over recognition before the law at last  FLAC welcomes today’s publication of the Government’s Gender Recognition Bill, seven years …
  4. Publication cover - Our Voice Our RightsAusterity dominates UN questions for Irish Government Issued 10 December 2014 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Questions raised by a United Nations committee in Geneva this week ask the Irish Government to explain how it is ensuring that the privatisation of water services will not …
  5. Attention law students - Fellowship 2015 now open! Issued 3 December 2014 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| FLAC is now accepting applications for the 2015 Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship – a unique opportunity awarded each summer to an Irish law student interested in working on …
  6. Bryan StevensonRenowned US public interest lawyer delivers FLAC annual lecture Issued 1 December 2014 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| Legal rights group FLAC today welcomed renowned US public interest lawyer Bryan Stevenson who will deliver the organisation’s annual lecture this evening in Dublin. …
  7. Publication cover - Our Voice Our RightsUN to be told state failing its duties on ‘everyday’ rights in Ireland Issued 19 November 2014 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| An independent report detailing gaps in how the state is meeting its obligations under an international treaty on economic, social and cultural rights was launched this …
  8. Apr 2009 - Micheal Farrell and Lydia FoyGovernment states “firm intention” to enact Gender Recognition Bill as Lydia Foy case settled Issued 28 October 2014 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| The landmark and long-running Lydia Foy transgender legal case has been settled today following a Government commitment that it is its “firm intention” to introduce a …
  9. FLACSurvey indicates Budget 2015 will not restore “downgraded” rights Issued 16 October 2014 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| A wide-ranging survey of civil society organisations published today indicates that while Budget 2015 may have offered some positive measures for various social groups, it …
  10. Generic Image - StairwayFirst ‘social recovery’ budget will not restore eroded public services, but Gov’t has opportunity for fresh start Issued 14 October 2014 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Despite its vaunted ‘social justice’ element, Budget 2015 fails to fully address the emaciation of public services stretched beyond measure by serial austerity drives. …
  11. Generic Image - FLAC BannerPut focus on ordinary people in long-awaited reform of credit and insolvency Issued 7 October 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law| Two important news items this morning underline the urgent need to regulate the credit industry in Ireland appropriately, says legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice …
  12. Publication cover - Redressing the Imbalance Executive SummaryConsumer protection on agenda for new Oireachtas term Issued 17 September 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|public-interest-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) will mark the first day of the new Dáil term today with a presentation on legal protection for consumers of financial …
  13. Generic Image - FLAC BannerGovernment must finally grasp nettle of long-term arrears cases Issued 2 September 2014 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law| Figures released this morning by the Central Bank again show an overall reduction in the number of homes in mortgage arrears in the second quarter of 2014. However legal …
  14. 2014- Noeline Blackwell addressing PILA ConferenceFLAC welcomes Conclusions and Recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee Issued 25 July 2014 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| FLAC today welcomed the Conclusions and Recommendations issued by the UN’s Human Rights Committee in Geneva following their examination on 14-15 July of the state of civil …
  15. FLACTranscript of the pre-budget submission FLAC's Yvonne O'Sullivan made to the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Debate on Wednesday 16 July 2014 Issued 24 July 2014 |access-to-justice|flac-information|human-rights-law|legal-information| I thank the committee for inviting FLAC to make a presentation on its pre-budget submission. The Oireachtas and its standing committees play a vital role in overseeing the …
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