
News - Press Releases Category

  1. Stock Image - House Keychain (Mortgages/Housing)Reaction: Court review of insolvency arrangements Issued 20 November 2015 Legal rights group FLAC today said that new provisions for independent oversight of personal insolvency arrangements are a welcome first step towards adjusting the imbalance …
  2. Stock Image - Keys, Money, House (Mortgages)Six months on, where are mortgage arrears measures? Issued 16 November 2015 On 13 May 2015, the government announced a suite of measures aimed at tackling the problem of mortgage arrears and increasing the supports available for distressed borrowers. …
  3. Oct 2015 - CICL GroupPublic Interest Litigation: Does it work? Issued 16 October 2015  Pioneers in public interest litigation spoke at a seminar today (16 October 2015) at Dublin Institute of Technology examining the social impact of public interest …
  4. Oct 2015 - Sylvie Guilaume Lydia Foy Lynn BoylanLydia Foy receives European Citizen’s Prize 2015 Issued 14 October 2015 Dr Lydia Foy has today (Weds 14 Oct) become the first transgender Irish person to be honoured by the European Parliament.  She has been awarded the Parliament’s highly …
  5. Publication cover - Pre Budget Submission 2016Budget 2016: Government must remember those who are not part of recovery Issued 13 October 2015 Legal rights group FLAC today said while there was much to welcome in Budget 2016, its focus on ‘keeping the recovery going’ should not mean it left behind those who have …
  6. Stock Image - DoorknockerLegislation needed to ensure energy efficient houses in private rental sector Issued 1 October 2015 Greater co-operation between Government departments required to ensure energy affordability for those on low income There is no specific provision in Irish legislation for …
  7. Sep 2015 - Group shot with Lydia in centreLydia Foy honoured by European Parliament on day she receives birth certificate Issued 25 September 2015 With the final barrier to recognition of her gender removed earlier this month, transgender champion Lydia Foy has this week obtained a birth certificate, giving her full …
  8. Why do Irish banks prefer Stepchange model? Issued 25 September 2015 Legal rights group FLAC today expressed puzzlement at news that five major retail banks in Ireland are to fund a UK debt advice agency to provide a telephone support service …
  9. Jul 2015 - Lydia and MichaelGender Recognition Act goes live Issued 8 September 2015 Today (Tues 8 September) it has become possible for the first time for transgender persons to apply to be recognised in their true gender, as the Department of Social …
  10. Publication cover - Overpayments Guide 2015Guide aims to clarify law behind reclaiming welfare overpayments Issued 20 July 2015 Legal rights groups FLAC and Community Law & Mediation have today launched two guides to the law underpinning the recovery of social welfare overpayments.  The guides …
  11. Jul 2015 - Trans Recog Act 2015 group‘Red letter day’ for transgender rights in Ireland with passing of recognition law Issued 15 July 2015 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the passing by Seanad Eireann of the Gender Recognition Act which will, for the first time, allow Transgender persons to be …
  12. Publication cover - Annual Report 2014Over 28,000 people received legal help in 2014 Issued 6 July 2015 Minister for Justice & Equality Frances Fitzgerald today launched the Annual Report for 2014 of legal rights group FLAC. Launching the report and a guide to the law on …
  13. Generic Image - UN OHCHR Plaque (Small)UN criticises ‘disproportionate’ state focus on cuts during austerity Issued 22 June 2015 A top UN body has criticised the Irish state for its response to the economic and financial crisis in cutting public expenditure, especially in housing, healthcare, social …
  14. Lydia FoyLydia Foy wins European Citizens prize Issued 4 June 2015 Update: Lydia Foy wins European Citizens prize FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres)  welcomes the award of the prestigious European Citizens Prize for Ireland to Dr Lydia Foy to …
  15. Dec 2012 - Lydia Foy with President HigginsIreland now one of most progressive states on Transgender recognition Issued 4 June 2015   Ireland is now one of the “most progressive states in the world” on legal recognition of Transgender people following the government’s amendments to the Gender …
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