
News - Press Releases Category

  1. FLAC PILLAR to POST Paper One FINAL LRNow is the time to talk about consumer debt warns Legal Rights NGO, FLAC. Issued 30 June 2021   Launch of series of papers – From Pillar to Post  Today, FLAC - Free Legal Advice Centres, launches the first in a series of four papers to raise concerns and create …
  2. opening slide FLAC Annual Report 2020  Access to Justice unattainable for too many - NGO FLAC has 12,468 callers to their legal helpline during 2020.  Issued 29 June 2021 The Chief Justice of Ireland, the Hon. Mr Justice Frank Clarke, will virtually launch the FLAC 2020 Annual Report, “Remote Justice”, at 9:00am on Tuesday 29th June …
  3. Copy of Equal status project (1)Announced review of equality law timely and necessary says legal rights NGO FLAC Issued 22 June 2021 FLAC has welcomed the announcement today of a commitment to review Ireland’s Equality legislation. The announcement was made by Roderic O’Gorman TD, Minister for …
  4. Generic Image - Inside Courtroom (Black & White)FLAC welcomes settlement of case regarding eviction proceedings against a Traveller Family by Dublin Airport Authority. Issued 24 March 2021 Press Statement   The FLAC Traveller Legal Service today welcomes the resolution of proceedings taken against its client by Dublin Airport Authority. These proceedings …
  5. FLACFLAC welcomes the announcement of Civil Legal Aid System review. Issued 22 February 2021 FLAC is delighted to welcome Minister McEntee’s commitment to review the Civil Legal Aid Scheme in Ireland which was published in …
  6. Stock Image - CalculatorFLAC criticizes stress and confusion caused by retrospective taxation of Covid PUP Issued 18 January 2021 Eilis Barry, Chief Executive of the Free Legal Advice Centres, has criticised the series of differing and confusing explanations provided by the Government in an attempt to …
  7. covidFLAC welcomes the clarification of ‘genuinely seeking work’ criteria for Covid PUP recipients who have been temporarily laid off. Issued 10 December 2020 FLAC CE Eilis Barry has today welcomed the introduction of two new Social Welfare regulations which address some of FLAC’s concerns and recommendations in relation to the …
  8. case-law-677940FLAC seeks full consultation with civil society organisations, State bodies and the public before recommendations of Civil Justice Review are implemented. Issued 7 December 2020 FLAC is writing to the Minister for Justice seeking a commitment to a full consultation process with those most affected by the implementation of recommendations of the …
  9. FLACFLAC calls on Finance Minister to scrap plans to retrospectively tax Covid PUP in light of his comments endorsing the presumption against retrospective tax legislation Issued 6 December 2020 FLAC Chief Executive, Eilis Barry has written to the Minister for Finance, calling on him to remove the retrospective provisions of section 3 of the Finance Bill 2020 from …
  10. FLAC Submission to Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development and the Islands’ Review of the Pandemic Unemployment PaymentFLAC voices concerns in relation to the Covid PUP Scheme in submission to Oireachtas Social Protection Committee Issued 1 December 2020 FLAC has made a submission to the Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development and the Islands in response to their ongoing review of the …
  11. PBPI Primary logoOver 70 signatories, representing in excess of 2000 legal professionals, come together to pledge free legal services for those who need it most Issued 26 November 2020 Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, will today (26.11.2020) launch ‘Pro Bono Pledge Ireland’ – a new initiative which asks the legal profession to commit to promoting …
  12. Stock Image - Scales w/ Books BackgroundFLAC expresses concerns at the proposed retrospective taxation of the Covid PUP Issued 24 November 2020 FLAC Chief Executive, Eilis Barry has written to members of the Oireachtas to express concern at the provisions of section 3 of the Finance Bill 2020 which propose to …
  13. FLACFLAC calls for clarity around access to the Covid Pandemic Unemployment Payment and access to back-payments for those whose applications were improperly refused or suspended Issued 21 October 2020 FLAC has welcomed the decision of the Department of Social Protection on 16 October 2020 to award a five-month back-payment of the Covid Pandemic Unemployment Payment (the …
  14. PILA Impact Report 2009-2019FLAC project launches impact report on ten years of promoting public interest law Issued 13 October 2020 FLAC project, PILA (Public Interest Law Alliance) is today launching an impact report highlighting some of the positive change achieved through the project over a decade and …
  15. FLAC26,995 received legal information/advice in 2019 Issued 30 September 2020 Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD will virtually launch the FLAC 2019 Annual Report at 12 noon on Thursday, October 1st.  Speaking ahead of the launch, Minister McEntee …
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