
News - Press Releases Category

  1. Paul190117FLAC: Welcome for stronger consumer protections in new bill dealing with financial complaints Issued 14 July 2017 Legal rights group FLAC today said a new law will introduce long awaited reforms of the legislation underpinning the Financial Services Ombudsman’s office. Earlier today …
  2. FLACTraveller family left without access to sanitation facilities for 6 months wins equality case Issued 25 April 2017 The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has found that a Traveller family was discriminated against by Dublin City Council in accessing maintenance services.   Sallyann …
  3. Generic Image - Four CourtsFLAC: Man unlawfully jailed for failure to pay debt released by High Court Issued 30 March 2017 A man was released from Mountjoy Jail last week on High Court bail following an application brought by FLAC, the access to justice organisation, in a case that highlights …
  4. RobbieSinnottPILAConferenceHigh Court vindicates right to a secret ballot in elections for people with visual impairment Issued 30 March 2017 In an important victory for people with disabilities, the High Court has today found in favour of a man with a visual impairment seeking to vindicate his right to a secret …
  5. Four CourtsWelcome for initiative to improve access to justice Issued 22 March 2017 Legal rights group FLAC today welcomed an announcement by the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice & Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD that a Group is to be set up to review …
  6. Paul Joyce Jan 2017Worrying trends continue in latest mortgage arrears data – repossessions, restructures, longer term arrears Issued 16 March 2017 The latest data on mortgage arrears released by the Central Bank confirms that worrying trends continue where family homes are in mortgage arrears. Legal rights group FLAC …
  7. Flags_onu_geneva palais des nations wikimediaWelcome for UN call to abolish civil legal aid fees for victims of domestic violence Issued 6 March 2017 An expert United Nations body on women’s rights has today published a comprehensive blueprint for government action to advance gender equality in Ireland, including an …
  8. Generic Image - Four CourtsUS privacy group informs High Court on adequacy of US law in protecting EU citizens’ data Issued 1 March 2017 The High Court heard today from US non-governmental organisation EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) in the case of Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook & …
  9. Generic Image - Irish Flag at Four CourtsCompensation awarded for excessive delay in determining protection application for family in Direct Provision Issued 17 February 2017 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes today’s ruling to compensate a mother  who experienced excessive delay in processing her application for subsidiary protection, …
  10. Generic Image - Human Rights Law IconNew legal protections on domestic violence require additional resources for legal aid Issued 13 February 2017 Representatives of legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) are at the United Nations HQ in Geneva today to raise concerns about the enforcement of women’s …
  11. Paul Joyce Jan 2017Revamped mortgage-to-rent welcome but more detail required for an effective scheme Issued 8 February 2017 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) said today’s announcement by Minister for Housing Simon Coveney TD that changes are to be made to the mortgage-to-rent scheme following a …
  12. Generic Image - Four CourtsFLAC welcomes High Court judgment finding excessive delay in determining protection application for family in Direct Provision Issued 3 February 2017 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes today’s decision of the High Court to award compensation to a mother for the delay in determining her application for subsidiary …
  13. Publication cover - Joint Statement on US immigration pre-clearancePermitting pre-clearance to operate in Ireland may violate Human Rights Issued 30 January 2017  Joint statement from Irish human rights organisations (download statement as PDF)  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  President Trump’s Executive Order adopting a targeted ban on …
  14. Speirs061216DublinFLAC06Key role for judiciary in a legal system that safeguards basic rights and dignity for all Issued 8 December 2016 A leading South African Judge visiting Dublin has underlined the key role of an independent judiciary for the rule of law and the protection of constitutional rights. …
  15. Launch of Irish Leaflet on WillsFirst Free Legal Advice Leaflet Translated to Irish Issued 14 November 2016 Nationwide Services in Irish Launched Conradh na Gaeilge & FLAC launch free legal advice services through Irish in Galway, Dublin, Donegal, Cork & Belfast  Conradh …
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