
Press Archive for

  1. Publication cover - Oct 09 Open letter re debt law reformOpen Letter to politicians: Immediate action needed in mortgage arrears crisis Issued 16 October 2009 A leading legal rights group is calling on all members of the Oireachtas to take immediate action on behalf of those who cannot meet their mortgage repayments, following a …
  2. FLACRevised Programme for Government must trigger urgent overhaul of debt law Issued 12 October 2009 The revised Programme for Government issued over the weekend gives hope that the government will now take seriously the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of the laws …
  3. Publication cover - flac_news_19_3_julsep_09.pdfNew issue of FLAC News July-September 2009 Issued 30 September 2009 Legal rights organisation FLAC has published the latest issue of FLAC News, its quarterly newsletter. This quarter’s newsletter, now in its 19th year, features analysis of …
  4. FLACLaw Reform Commission consultation welcomed by legal rights group Issued 22 September 2009 Recommendations by the Law Reform Commission to modernise debt enforcement and remove imprisonment for debtors in can't pay situations were today warmly welcomed by legal …
  5. FLACOpen letter to Taoiseach: Sign the ICESCR Optional Protocol Issued 22 September 2009 An Taoiseach Brian Cowen, Department of the Taoiseach, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2 18th September 2009 Dear Taoiseach, On Thursday 24 September, …
  6. FLACERA lodges complaint with EU Commission Issued 10 September 2009 Equality & Rights Alliance has lodged a legal complaint with the European Commission stating that Ireland is in breach of EU equality directives. ERA members contend that …
  7. FLACProposed changes to criminal legal aid scheme must preserve right of access to justice, says rights organisation Issued 25 August 2009 The State should take care to preserve people's right to real and effective justice if it seeks to change the way it administers criminal legal aid, stressed a leading legal …
  8. frontpage_FN19_2Latest issue of FLAC newsletter focuses on debt Issued 18 August 2009 Legal rights organisation FLAC has published the latest issue of FLAC News, its quarterly newsletter, with a focus this issue on debt. The newsletter, now in its 19th year, …
  9. FLACMore money advisors welcome, but government needs better coordination between departments and services Issued 11 August 2009 Legal rights organisation FLAC has welcomed the appointment of 19 new advisors to the government's money advice agency, but warns that a more coordinated approach across …
  10. Publication cover - To No One's credit_report Jun 09Proposed legislation on debt enforcement leaves "a mountain of reform left to climb" Issued 6 July 2009 Legal rights organisation FLAC has welcomed the proposed changes to legislation that allows debtors to be imprisoned for failing to meet court-ordered repayments, but warns …
  11. Speirs060709FLAC4New report proposes far-reaching changes in how justice system treats debtors Issued 6 July 2009 Blues singer recalls her experience of debt enforcement at launch of FLAC report A new report detailing what FLAC director Noeline Blackwell called "the devastating and …
  12. FLACGovernment plan is a useful first step in improving debt enforcement procedure Issued 26 June 2009 Legal rights organisation FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has welcomed the announcement that the Government intends to change the law so that courts will have to examine a …
  13. FLACJudgment means State must end imprisonment for debt Issued 18 June 2009 Victory in McCann case puts pressure on government to amend outdated laws immediately Legal rights organisation FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the judgment of Ms. …
  14. FLACFinancial Regulator Consumer Panel adds weight to concerns for borrower protection Issued 26 May 2009 Consultative Consumer Panel adds weight to concerns for borrower protection The newly issued commentary of the Consumer Panel of the Financial Regulator adds worrying weight …
  15. FLACInto the breach: Bridging the gap between legal and social realities? Issued 14 May 2009 Presentation by Noeline Blackwell, Director General, FLAC to Respond! conference, 7 May 2009 It surprises few people, if anyone at all, that those who have fewest resources …
(547 items)
