
Press Archive for

  1. FLACState response to mortgage arrears crisis is inadequate, says FLAC Issued 19 December 2008 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today expressed its disappointment at the government response to the mortgage arrears crisis outlined in its frameworkdocument for building …
  2. FLACFLAC shocked at Niall Crowley resignation Issued 12 December 2008 FLAC is shocked that Niall Crowley has been forced to resign as Chief Executive of the Equality Authority because of the crippling cutbacks in the Authority’s budget. FLAC, …
  3. Cover for Charities Bill joint position paperCharities bill will exclude promotion of human rights as charitable purpose Issued 10 December 2008 Four human rights organisations - FLAC, Front Line, ICCL and Amnesty International Ireland - have issued a joint position paper addressed to Senators as they vote for the …
  4. eralogo_short_smPrincipled politicians must stand up for human rights & equality Issued 10 December 2008 Equality & Rights Alliance Protecting Equality and Human Rights   On International Human Rights Day (Wednesday 10 December 2008), the Equality & …
  5. FLACWelfare cuts may trigger homelessness Issued 25 November 2008 Proposed legislation to reduce assistance to people unable to pay their mortgage will not lead to government savings in the long run and will damage our over-indebted society …
  6. CB-campaign_posterFinance Bill discussion must consider children’s rights Issued 19 November 2008 Children of asylum seekers and others living in direct provision are at ever greater risk of poverty because of the government's exclusionary practices, according to FLAC …
  7. FLACOireachtas Briefing re Irish Credit Bureau presentation Issued 11 November 2008 Briefing by FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Economic and Regulatory Affairs on the occasion of a presentation by the Irish Credit Bureau …
  8. FLACJob opportunity: PILA Project Manager Issued 7 November 2008 FLAC is seeking to recruit a dynamic Project Manager to develop the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA). The Project Manager will be committed to human rights and social …
  9. FLACLenders should face up to irresponsible deals Issued 28 October 2008 Better legislation and money advice needed to curb reckless lending Lenders who offered loans to people who clearly could not repay them should face up to their part in the …
  10. FLACComplaint system can render people homeless, FLAC says Issued 24 October 2008 FLAC notes with concern the case currently before Judge Hedigan in the High Court where it is claimed that the State proposes to render an asylum seeker homeless and …
  11. FLACOn International Day to Eradicate Poverty FLAC seeks removal of anti-Poverty provisions in Budget Issued 17 October 2008 Today, 17th October, marks the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. However, Tuesday's budget represents an assault on Ireland's poor, many of whom are …
  12. FLACBut who will rescue indebted consumers? Issued 13 October 2008 Now that a rescue package is being put in place for lending banks in Ireland and worldwide, FLAC (the Free Legal Advice Centres) has today urged legislators to step in on …
  13. Publication cover - FLAC News 18(3) - Jul-Sep 2008New issue of FLAC News out now Issued 30 September 2008 The latest issue of FLAC News (Vol 18, No 3) is now available, to download as a PDF or in print format by contacting FLAC. This copy focuses on the July launch of the joint …
  14. eralogo_short_smMerger proposals would hit weakest and most vulnerable Issued 24 September 2008 Government proposals to merge up to five human rights and equality bodies would hit the weakest and most vulnerable in Irish society, says FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres). …
  15. FLAC'Rational' state cannot rationalise away children's rights Issued 17 September 2008 The State must not disregard children because of their parent's provenance, especially in harder economic times, says FLAC. It is time to reinstate Child Benefit as a truly …
(547 items)
