
Press Archive for

  1. FLACJoint release: Support groups seek independent complaints mechanism for direct provision Issued 23 June 2010 A number of non-governmental organisations working in the area of asylum and refugee rights today called for the introduction of an independent complaints mechanism for …
  2. 2010 - Lydia Foy & Michael Farrell Press ConferencGovernment drops appeal in historic transgender case Issued 21 June 2010 Taoiseach to tell Dail Ireland is in breach of rights treaty The Government has withdrawn its appeal to the Supreme Court in the case of transgender woman Lydia Foy. It has …
  3. Publication cover - Joint submission on Social Welfare Bill 2010Joint FLAC/NCLC Release: Proposed social welfare measures are unnecessary and regressive Issued 17 June 2010 Two independent legal rights bodies have condemned changes proposed in the government's latest social welfare bill as "unnecessary and regressive." In a joint …
  4. FLACNew credit legislation brings no clarity for consumers Issued 14 June 2010 Despite assurances following regulatory failures, the government has again failed to adequately prioritise consumer interests, said legal rights group FLAC today. This …
  5. FLACFLAC warns of danger to society from rise in serious mortgage arrears Issued 27 May 2010 Legal rights group FLAC expressed grave concern today over fresh figures from the Financial Regulator that show mortgage arrears are continuing to rise steadily. The …
  6. FLACWide range of solutions to mortgage crisis needed, not silver bullet Issued 26 May 2010 Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed comments earlier today from Financial Regulator Matthew Elderfield that indicated consumer concerns were a priority for the …
  7. FLACLaunch of Irish Human Rights Law Review Issued 20 May 2010 L-R: Michael Farrell, Emily O'Reilly, Donncha O'Connell. Photo: Derek Speirs. At an event in Dublin on Thursday 20 May 2010, hosted by the Public Interest Law Alliance …
  8. Publication Cover - FLAC Annual Report 2009Urgent need to regulate debt collection industry Issued 18 May 2010 A not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for legal rights called today for the regulation of debt collection in Ireland in the face of increasing contact by harassed …
  9. FLACInternational bodies can protect rights at home Issued 7 May 2010 uuLegal rights organisation FLAC today encouraged people in Ireland to use international legal mechanisms to protect their rights at home. Speaking at a seminar organised by …
  10. FLACPray for the dead, but fight like hell for the living Issued 6 May 2010 Notes for a short reflection at ICTU event to mark Workers Memorial Day 28 April 2010 at Chester Beatty Library, Dublin by Noeline Blackwell, Director General, FLAC.   …
  11. PILA (RGB)FLAC event highlights need to use law to create a more equal society Issued 16 April 2010 Public interest law in action: FLAC event highlights need to use law to create a more equal society A conference on Public Interest Law in action taking place today in Dublin …
  12. FLACDeaf jurors plan welcomed by legal rights body Issued 31 March 2010 Legal rights group FLAC has welcomed a proposal to allow deaf and blind persons to serve on juries. FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has taken a High Court case challenging …
  13. FLACGovernment must not forget 'My NAMA' in debt crisis Issued 30 March 2010 A not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for the legal rights of indebted consumers called on the government today to strike a balance in its approach to Ireland's debt …
  14. FLACURGENT: Volunteer lawyers needed for Arklow centre Issued 16 March 2010 The Legal Advice Centre based in the CIC in Arkow is currently experiencing a shortage of solicitors and/or barristers, which is seriously impairing the service offered to …
  15. FLACMortgage arrears figures for end of 2009 continue to cause worry Issued 3 March 2010 Legal rights organisation FLAC today warned that information from the Financial Regulator on mortgage arrears for the last quarter of 2009 continues the upward trend in …
(547 items)
