
Press Archive for

  1. PILL-rep-launch-MFPaper on challenges of ECHR delivered to UCC conference Issued 3 July 2007 FLAC Senior Solicitor Michael Farrell delivered a paper on the 'The challenge of the ECHR' at the second annual conference of the Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights …
  2. FLAC-legal-leaflets-smallerLaw is for everyone: FLAC launches legal information leaflets Issued 27 March 2007 FLAC has produced a range of information leaflets on various areas of law. The leaflets cover the basic information in each area, explaining how the law works and providing a …
  3. FLACRemembering Dave Ellis Issued 1 March 2007 Dave Ellis, founder member and driving force behind Community Legal Resource (CLR) and formerly Community Law Officer with Coolock Community Law Centre (now Northside CLC) …
  4. CB-campaign_posterCampaign to restore universal Child Benefit launched on International Children's Day Issued 21 November 2006 FLAC, along with its partner organisations, is seeking the reinstatement of Child Benefit as a universal payment. Its removal in May 2004 has left many families in vulnerable …
  5. CG-sem2_colin_sep06Innovations in Public Interest Law and Litigation from India Issued 6 September 2006 Visit of Indian human rights lawyer and activist Thanks to the good offices of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway and Dr Joshua Castellino in particular, FLAC …
  6. FLACNew Regulations for Civil Legal Aid - Means Test Changed Issued 1 September 2006 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) the independent non-governmental organisation which campaigns for access to justice has today "broadly welcomed" the change in …
  7. Legal_aid_report_press_conf_jul05Civil legal aid system inadequate, affirms FLAC report Issued 1 January 2006 FLAC's most recent report on civil legal aid details gaps in the current system and shows how even those on extremely low incomes are being excluded from legal aid. The …
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