
Press Archive for

  1. FLACTrans Rights and the Law Issued 7 May 2009 Presentation by Michael Farrell, Senior Solicitor, FLAC Transforming Attitudes Conference, 17 April 2009     I would first of all like to congratulate TENI, USI and BeLonG …
  2. FLACSolutions to debt crisis could be within government’s grasp Issued 29 April 2009 But it needs to focus on borrowers in trouble, not just banks, says FLAC When it comes to the debt crisis facing the country, the government should be working at least as …
  3. Publication cover - Civil Legal Aid in Ireland: 40 years on40 Years On: Equal access to justice not a reality Issued 25 April 2009 pThe economic downturn cannot be used as a justification to limit the protection of the rights of the individual, according to legal rights organisation, FLAC. As it …
  4. FLACGovernment should change law on transgender people now Issued 20 April 2009 The Government must commit itself to changing the law to legally recognise transgendered people, according to FLAC, which is representing a transgender woman in her bid for …
  5. FLACHarsh economic times must not lead government to treat children unequally Issued 9 April 2009 The legal rights organisation FLAC today commented on recent budget announcements on child benefit by saying that if the rationale behind the proposed taxation or means …
  6. FLACVolunteers Needed - Arklow & Finglas areas Issued 7 April 2009 FLAC urgently requires new volunteers in the Arklow and Finglas centres. Please help us expand our services in these locations If you are legally qualified in Ireland, live …
  7. referral_information_helpline_feb07Volunteers Urgently Needed! Issued 2 March 2009 FLAC urgently requires new volunteers in the Waterford and Tipperary Town centres. Please help us bring this invaluable service to these locations! What we need If you are …
  8. Publication cover - Checklist for actions on losing job_Feb 09Checklist for actions after losing your job Issued 25 February 2009 FLAC has compiled a list of tips for people who have lost their jobs - it is not exhaustive and should be taken as a suggestion for actions rather than the final word on what …
  9. Publication cover - Policy Briefing_Mortgage Arrears Code of ConductNew mortgage arrears code will not protect borrowers, says FLAC Issued 17 February 2009 "The newly issued Financial Regulator's code of conduct on mortgage arrears is deeply disappointing and represents even less protection for consumers than the draft code …
  10. FLACStatutory code for mortgage arrears welcome Issued 11 February 2009 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) the legal rights organisation tonight welcomed the introduction of a statutory code for mortgage lenders as part of the Government's …
  11. FLAC'Narrow' mortgage repossessions code ignores consumers Issued 3 February 2009 The Financial Regulator's proposed revised code to regulate the conduct of mortgage lenders is welcome, but is too narrowly focused for those who are currently in financial …
  12. Publication cover - FLAC Mini-marathon poster 2009FLACies do it for free - join FLAC for the mini-marathon! Issued 2 February 2009 The Flora Women's Mini Marathon takes place in Dublin on 1 June 2009, the June Bank Holiday Monday. For the first time, FLAC is hoping to field a team to raise some …
  13. Speirs011208_shapiroSpeech: Steve Shapiro, Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture: 1 Dec 2008 Issued 28 January 2009 Second Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture, 1 December 2008 Steve Shapiro, Legal Director, ACLU: The evolving human rights landscape in the United States Thank you to FLAC for …
  14. FLACSubmission on proposed code for mortgage arrears Issued 27 January 2009 FLAC has prepared a detailed submission on the Financial Regulator's draft Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears. It is available to download in our policy section. The …
  15. FLACGovernment needs to support borrowers too Issued 22 December 2008 The government's plan for recapitalising the Irish banks is a shot in the arm for financial institutions - but does precious little for the customers of those banks who are …
(547 items)
