
Related News - Human Rights Law

  1. McCannFitzGerald_PILA_2New legal resource for NGOs on data protection through pro bono legal initiative Issued 25 November 2016 |public-interest-law|  Leading Irish law firm McCann FitzGerald and the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA) today launched a handbook on data protection for NGOs and community organisations. …
  2. May 2016 - JOC Paul SineadLucey Eithne CiaránMore action needed to avoid surge in homelessness among people in deep mortgage arrears Issued 17 May 2016 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| The Oireachtas Housing and Homelessness Committee will hear today from legal rights group FLAC on how the state might avert the threat of homelessness to the 30,000 …
  3. Publication cover - Poster FLAC Fellowship 2016Attention law students - Fellowship 2016 now open! Issued 19 November 2015 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| FLAC is now accepting applications for the 2016 Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship – a unique opportunity awarded each summer to an Irish law student interested in working on …
  4. Publication cover - Pre Budget Submission 2016Budget 2016: Government must remember those who are not part of recovery Issued 13 October 2015 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC today said while there was much to welcome in Budget 2016, its focus on ‘keeping the recovery going’ should not mean it left behind those who have …
  5. Stock Image - Scales of Justice with HandsSurvey: Irish lawyers ready, willing and able to help for social good Issued 16 March 2015 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| The first ever survey on pro bono legal work in Ireland reveals a strong and growing appetite among the legal professions for providing help to those who cannot afford it. …
  6. Publication cover - Paper: Owner Occupier Mortgage Arrears-Progress on ResolutionAnalysis of mortgage arrears data shows Government strategy not working Issued 15 January 2015 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| An in-depth analysis of the steps taken by the state and lenders to resolve the owner occupier mortgage arrears crisis indicates that the Government’s current approach is …
  7. homepicture_seesawWider view needed for new mortgage lending rules Issued 9 December 2014 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| In regulating how much a person can borrow to buy a house, the State must also take into account not just the Central Bank’s proposals but the wider crises in housing and …
  8. Publication cover - Redressing the Imbalance Executive SummaryConsumer protection on agenda for new Oireachtas term Issued 17 September 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|public-interest-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) will mark the first day of the new Dáil term today with a presentation on legal protection for consumers of financial …
  9. Apr 2014 - Paul Joyce JOC FinanceOireachtas committee report on lenders' handling of mortgage arrears is challenge for Finance Minister Issued 8 July 2014 |access-to-justice|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today welcomed a comprehensive report from an Oireachtas committee tasked with reviewing the way banks in Ireland handle …
  10. Publication cover - Dave Ellis Lecture 2013 by Martin O'BrienLaw as a Vehicle for Social Change: 7th Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture Issued 9 January 2014 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|flac-information|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC held its 7th annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture on 5 December 2013. The guest speaker was Martin O'Brien, Senior Vice President for Programmes at the Atlantic …
  11. Publication cover - FLAC Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship 20142014 Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship Issued 4 December 2013 |flac-information|public-interest-law| FLAC is now welcoming applications from law students, graduates, postgraduates and Law Society students for the 2014 Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship. The Fellowship is run in …
  12. Publication cover - Moving out of Mortgage Arrears_Online October 2013Concerns remain for those in mortgage arrears Issued 28 November 2013 |debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) was glad to see that there was a small reduction in the numbers of family home mortgage accounts in short term arrears in the figures …
  13. Oct 2012 - Nils Muiznieks MichaelFarrell LydiaFoyIrish transgender champion Lydia Foy among top European Campaigners of 2013 Issued 25 September 2013 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| Long-time transgender campaigner Lydia Foy travels to London tomorrow for the selection of this year’s European Campaigner of the Year.  Ms Foy has been shortlisted as one …
  14. Dec 2012 - ThomasHammarberg, Lydia Foy, Peter WardLydia Foy Honoured by European Diversity Body Issued 30 August 2013 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| Irish transgender woman Lydia Foy has been shortlisted for Campaigner of the Year for the highly prestigious European Diversity Awards. Ms Foy is one of eight nominees for …
  15. Dec 2012 - ThomasHammarberg, Lydia Foy, Peter WardFirst step towards transgender recognition law welcome but government must not blunder on forced divorce Issued 18 July 2013 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| News that the Irish government has at last produced draft legislation to finally recognise transgender people in their true gender has been welcomed by legal rights group …
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