
Related News - Human Rights Law

  1. FLACFLAC Conference on the legal implications of the public sector duty in Irish law Issued 2 August 2018 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| Save the date: Friday 19th October FLAC Conference on the legal implications of the public sector duty in Irish law FLAC is delighted to invite you to our conference on the …
  2. Emily O'Reilly Speaking Speirs271117Dublin065Speech by Emily O'Reilly to the 11th Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture Issued 28 November 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| ANNUAL DAVE ELLIS MEMORIAL LECTURE - ACCESS TO JUSTICE Emily O’Reilly, European Ombudsman 27 November 2017 Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests I’m both pleased and …
  3. Stock Image - Flats (Housing)Tenants Welcome European Committee of Social Rights Finding That Ireland Has Failed To Provide Adequate Housing Conditions on Local Authority Estates Issued 23 October 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Local authority tenants have welcomed a landmark decision by the European Committee of Social Rights that has found that Ireland has failed to take sufficient and timely …
  4. Stock Image - Equality Noticeboard‘Model tenants’ awarded substantial compensation for discrimination by landlord on housing assistance ground Issued 21 August 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC today welcomed the finding of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) that three tenants had been discriminated against by their landlord when the landlord refused to …
  5. Publication cover - Annual Report 201625,700 people received information and legal advice in 2016 Issued 31 July 2017 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|flac-information|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Top queries: family law, housing, employment law Welcome for reversal cuts to District Court private practitioner panel Call for end to legal aid fees in Domestic Violence …
  6. FLACTraveller family left without access to sanitation facilities for 6 months wins equality case Issued 25 April 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has found that a Traveller family was discriminated against by Dublin City Council in accessing maintenance services.   Sallyann …
  7. RobbieSinnottPILAConferenceHigh Court vindicates right to a secret ballot in elections for people with visual impairment Issued 30 March 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| In an important victory for people with disabilities, the High Court has today found in favour of a man with a visual impairment seeking to vindicate his right to a secret …
  8. Flags_onu_geneva palais des nations wikimediaWelcome for UN call to abolish civil legal aid fees for victims of domestic violence Issued 6 March 2017 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| An expert United Nations body on women’s rights has today published a comprehensive blueprint for government action to advance gender equality in Ireland, including an …
  9. Generic Image - Irish Flag at Four CourtsCompensation awarded for excessive delay in determining protection application for family in Direct Provision Issued 17 February 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes today’s ruling to compensate a mother  who experienced excessive delay in processing her application for subsidiary protection, …
  10. Generic Image - Human Rights Law IconNew legal protections on domestic violence require additional resources for legal aid Issued 13 February 2017 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| Representatives of legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) are at the United Nations HQ in Geneva today to raise concerns about the enforcement of women’s …
  11. Generic Image - Four CourtsFLAC welcomes High Court judgment finding excessive delay in determining protection application for family in Direct Provision Issued 3 February 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes today’s decision of the High Court to award compensation to a mother for the delay in determining her application for subsidiary …
  12. Publication cover - Joint Statement on US immigration pre-clearancePermitting pre-clearance to operate in Ireland may violate Human Rights Issued 30 January 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|  Joint statement from Irish human rights organisations (download statement as PDF)  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  President Trump’s Executive Order adopting a targeted ban on …
  13. budgetingBudget 2017: Welcome relief for vulnerable groups but fairer budget process must come soon Issued 11 October 2016 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC today said that while it welcomed the basic welfare increases that will benefit many vulnerable segments of society in Budget 2017, it regretted that …
  14. Publication cover - Annual Report 2015Almost 29,000 people helped with legal advice and information in 2015 Issued 3 October 2016 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform|flac-information|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Top issues: housing, family law, employment law, debt & credit  The continuing impact of austerity in Ireland is borne out by data on legal need for 2015 released by …
  15. Eilis Barry BLFLAC appoints new CEO Issued 27 July 2016 |access-to-justice|flac-information|human-rights-law| Legal rights group FLAC has announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive Officer, Ms Eilis Barry, who will take up the position on 7 September next. Ms Barry is a …
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