
Related News - Debt Law Reform

  1. Nov 2011 - FLAC Staff, Ales Bialiatski CampaignHuman rights defender jailed in Belarus - call for action on his release Issued 24 November 2011 |human-rights-law| Human rights are under attack in Europe with the arrest and now sentencing of activist Ales Bialiatski. Ales was given 4.5 years in jail for tax evasion on a grand scale' on …
  2. Publication cover - Pils-Pila Conference ProgrammeGood Friday Agreement commitment to human rights still worth fighting for Issued 11 November 2011 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Changes to the UK's human rights regime proposed by the coalition government are a negative step and would undermine the practical successes of the 1998 Human Rights Act, the …
  3. Sep 2011 - Volunteer w/ UPR banner, Liberty HallIreland commited to human rights, but not on all issues Issued 11 October 2011 |human-rights-law| FLAC welcomes the reaffirmation of Ireland's commitment to human rights made by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Alan Shatter TD at Ireland's first Universal …
  4. Sep 2011 - Volunteer w/ UPR banner, Liberty HallUN examination of Ireland's human rights track record affects us all Issued 5 October 2011 |human-rights-law| While Justice Minister Alan Shatter is defending Ireland's human rights performance at the UN headquarters in Geneva on Thursday morning, legal rights group FLAC has called …
  5. Publication cover - Pre-budget 2012 submissionBudget must respect human rights, even in recession Issued 16 September 2011 |human-rights-law| At a pre-budget forum with Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton today, legal rights group FLAC laid out what it said were strict legal duties to maintain human rights …
  6. FLACFLAC welcomes Transgender Report and Minister’s commitment to change the law Issued 14 July 2011 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| The Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) today (14th July) welcomed the publication of the report of the Government's committee on the recognition of transgender persons and the …
  7. FLACGovernment called on to honour commitment to review direct provision system Issued 5 July 2011 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| Government parties were called on today to honour commitments made while in opposition to conduct a review of the system whereby applicants for protection in Ireland are …
  8. Publication cover - Law Society Justice Media Awards July 2011TV3's Lydia Foy documentary wins at the Justice Media Awards 2011 Issued 4 July 2011 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| TV3's The Morning Show has won a Merit Certificate at the Law Society's Justice Media Awards for a programme it did last year on "A 13-year Battle for Legal Recognition …
  9. FLACGovernment must act now on transgender rights Issued 21 June 2011 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| FLAC (the Free Legal Advice Centres) have marked the first anniversary of the final decision in the Lydia Foy transgender case by calling for urgent legislation to recognise …
  10. FLACReform urgently needed to remove Jury Service discrimination against Deaf People Issued 3 March 2011 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| This week's criminal court sittings in Clare have had to be abandoned due to the failure of 215 people to show up for jury service in Ennis. The presiding Circuit Court …
  11. FLACJudge rules deaf man can sit on jury Issued 29 November 2010 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| For the first time ever, a High Court Judge has ruled that a deaf person can sit on a jury in the Central Criminal Court. Judge Paul Carney today (Monday) ruled that …
  12. Publication cover - IRP Bill SubmissionFLAC makes submission on Immigration Residence and Protection Bill 2010 Issued 28 October 2010 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| FLAC has commented on the Immigration Residence and Protection Bill 2010 in a submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Women's Rights. The …
  13. FLACPILA to host 'Half Day Seminar on Public Interest Litigation' Issued 30 September 2010 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| PILA - the Public Interest Law Alliance which is a project of FLAC - are delighted to invite you to a half day seminar on public interest litigation on 29th October from 2:00 …
  14. FLACEuropean Human Rights Chief welcomes Government's transgender decision Issued 31 August 2010 |human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg has welcomed the Government's decision "at long last" to recognise transgender woman Lydia Foy as a …
  15. FLACFLAC welcomes decision to quash jury ban on deaf woman Issued 14 July 2010 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| No blanket exclusion of deaf jurors, but state should go further FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres), which represented deaf woman Joan Clarke, welcomed the ruling of the High …
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