
Related News - Debt Law Reform

  1. FLACOireachtas committee echoes FLAC's call to take debts out of the courts Issued 16 February 2010 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed a report from an Oireachtas committee that calls for urgent new measures to tackle overindebtedness. The report from the Joint …
  2. FLACWelcome focus by Minister Ryan on individual debt Issued 30 January 2010 |debt-law-reform| The non-governmental organisation FLAC today welcomed the announcement by Minister Eamon Ryan that the government will soon establish soon an expert panel to advise it in …
  3. FLACMortgage arrears figures show alarming rise Issued 22 December 2009 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights organisation FLAC today warned that figures from the Financial Regulator on mortgage arrears to the end of September 2009 display a worrying upward trend in …
  4. FLACBudget response to overindebtedness crisis is entirely inadequate Issued 9 December 2009 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform|social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC Budget Statement 2010 Independent legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has as its main aim to achieve equal access to justice. As part of this overarching …
  5. Speirs011209FLAC1Lecturer warns that debt is the over-riding social problem Issued 2 December 2009 |debt-law-reform| At a lecture on access to justice organised by the independent legal rights group, FLAC, the former independent Senator and Northern Ireland's former Ombudsman Dr Maurice …
  6. FLACConsumer debt in Irish society: Presentation to LRC conference Issued 19 November 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Consumer debt in Irish society Presentation to LRC conference 18 Nov 2009 by Paul Joyce, Senior Policy Researcher, FLAC Introduction In the early 1990s, when I began working …
  7. FLACGovernment cannot miss this chance to get it right on personal debt Issued 18 November 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| Independent legal rights body FLAC welcomed the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission on 'Reforming the Law on Personal Debt' at its conference in Dublin Castle today, …
  8. FLACFLAC welcomes bankers’ commitment to those facing difficulties with mortgage repayments. Issued 10 November 2009 |debt-law-reform| Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC), an independent legal rights organisation, has welcomed the Irish Banking Federation statement of intent, which, it says will offer …
  9. FLACMajor conference on debt law reform in November Issued 21 October 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| The Law Reform Commission is holding its 2009 Annual Conference on 18 November. The theme of this year's conference is 'Reforming the Law on Personal Debt' and it will be …
  10. Publication cover - Oct 09 Open letter re debt law reformOpen Letter to politicians: Immediate action needed in mortgage arrears crisis Issued 16 October 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| A leading legal rights group is calling on all members of the Oireachtas to take immediate action on behalf of those who cannot meet their mortgage repayments, following a …
  11. FLACRevised Programme for Government must trigger urgent overhaul of debt law Issued 12 October 2009 |consumer-credit-law-reform|debt-law-reform| The revised Programme for Government issued over the weekend gives hope that the government will now take seriously the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of the laws …
  12. social media imagery (1)FLAC appears before Oireachtas Committee to discuss legislation to implement the landmark Supreme Court decision in O’Meara Issued 2 July 2024 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Legislation will make social welfare payments for bereaved people and their families available to cohabitants and their children. FLAC (which represented the O’Meara …
  13. covidFLAC welcomes the clarification of ‘genuinely seeking work’ criteria for Covid PUP recipients who have been temporarily laid off. Issued 10 December 2020 |social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC CE Eilis Barry has today welcomed the introduction of two new Social Welfare regulations which address some of FLAC’s concerns and recommendations in relation to the …
  14. FLAC Submission to Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development and the Islands’ Review of the Pandemic Unemployment PaymentFLAC voices concerns in relation to the Covid PUP Scheme in submission to Oireachtas Social Protection Committee Issued 1 December 2020 |social-welfare-law-reform| FLAC has made a submission to the Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development and the Islands in response to their ongoing review of the …
  15. FLACFLAC calls for end to age discrimination in welfare payments Issued 9 October 2019 |social-welfare-law-reform| Following the welfare changes announced in Budget 2020, FLAC CE Eilis Barry welcomed the change to Jobseekers Allowance that will allow young people aged 25 to receive the …
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