Related News - Consumer Credit Law Reform
Concerns remain for those in mortgage arrears Issued 28 November 2013 |debt-law-reform|public-interest-law| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) was glad to see that there was a small reduction in the numbers of family home mortgage accounts in short term arrears in the figures …
Legal rights groups criticise proposed social welfare law Issued 24 October 2013 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law|social-welfare-law-reform| In a joint submission on the draft law to cement changes to the social welfare code arising from the Budget, two legal rights organisations, Northside Community Law & …
Budgetary concerns are not limited to a single day Issued 15 October 2013 |civil-legal-aid|debt-law-reform|human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| According to legal rights organisation FLAC, the budget is an on-going, multifaceted process which started before October 15th and will continue to be felt by the Irish …
Need for social count as well as money count for a workable budget Issued 26 September 2013 |human-rights-law|social-welfare-law-reform| Today’s report from the Fiscal Advisory Council on the Irish government’s balance sheet is billed as a ‘comprehensive overview’ of where Ireland stands financially …
FLAC statement: Insolvency Service of Ireland now accepting insolvency applications Issued 9 September 2013 |debt-law-reform| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has welcomed the commencement of potential debt rescheduling arrangements provided for under the personal insolvency legislation, signed into …
Lenders gain more control than ever under new Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears Issued 27 June 2013 |debt-law-reform| Viewed in its entirety, the revised Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears announced today (Thursday 27 June 2013) seems to be a set of rules designed to allow lenders to speed …
New law to licence personal insolvency practitioners will exclude 'poorer' debtors Issued 25 June 2013 |debt-law-reform| Legal rules issued today to provide for the licensing of Personal Insolvency Practitioners by the Insolvency Service of Ireland will finally allow debtors to start their …
‘Tougher than ever’ context for households in arrears means less dramatic increase is cause for deep worry Issued 21 June 2013 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) warns that the context for the steady increase in mortgage arrears is one where borrowers in trouble still lack any …
Upcoming Seanad debates need to consider impact of legislation on over-indebted people Issued 19 June 2013 |debt-law-reform|social-welfare-law-reform| According to the legal rights group FLAC, two pieces of legislation that come up for debate in the Seanad this week will impact particularly heavily on people living on very …
FLAC welcomes Ombudsman's Report on HSE failure to pay award to asylum seeker Issued 12 June 2013 |access-to-justice|social-welfare-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC today welcomed a report from the Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly that highlights serious failings at several different levels by both the Health Service …
Pressing need for clear information & advice for consumers on personal debt options Issued 16 May 2013 |debt-law-reform| Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today hosts an information event on 'Moving out of Personal Debt: How to use the new legal infrastructure on personal debt …
Balance lender powers with consumer protections in reforming repossessions law Issued 30 April 2013 |debt-law-reform| As a relatively small but very important piece of law is being proposed to effectively make it easier for lenders to process repossessions through the courts, legal rights …
Statement on Launch of Insolvency Service of Ireland Issued 18 April 2013 |debt-law-reform| FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the issue of guidelines on minimum income and the regulations on Personal Insolvency Practitioners as necessary forerunners to the …
Amend Code to give borrowers stronger hand in dealings with banks Issued 10 April 2013 |access-to-justice|debt-law-reform| How banks treat borrowers in mortgage arrears on their family home is the focus today of the Central Bank in its review of a code of conduct for lenders. Legal rights group …
Mortgage arrears strategy needs active oversight to deliver on promise of sustainable results Issued 13 March 2013 |debt-law-reform| Mortgage arrears strategy needs active oversight to deliver on promise of sustainable results Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) says the litmus test of …