Related News - Consumer Credit Law Reform
High Court vindicates right to a secret ballot in elections for people with visual impairment Issued 30 March 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| In an important victory for people with disabilities, the High Court has today found in favour of a man with a visual impairment seeking to vindicate his right to a secret …
Welcome for UN call to abolish civil legal aid fees for victims of domestic violence Issued 6 March 2017 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| An expert United Nations body on women’s rights has today published a comprehensive blueprint for government action to advance gender equality in Ireland, including an …
US privacy group informs High Court on adequacy of US law in protecting EU citizens’ data Issued 1 March 2017 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| The High Court heard today from US non-governmental organisation EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) in the case of Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook & …
New legal protections on domestic violence require additional resources for legal aid Issued 13 February 2017 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| Representatives of legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) are at the United Nations HQ in Geneva today to raise concerns about the enforcement of women’s …
Overview: Data Protection Commissioner vs Facebook Ireland Ltd & Anor Issued 7 February 2017 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| Overview of case involving several amici curiae/friends of the court, including the US government and EPIC, a US privacy NGO (represented by FLAC) Since 7 February 2017, the …
Permitting pre-clearance to operate in Ireland may violate Human Rights Issued 30 January 2017 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Joint statement from Irish human rights organisations (download statement as PDF) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE President Trump’s Executive Order adopting a targeted ban on …
Introduction to 10th Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture Issued 8 December 2016 |access-to-justice|public-interest-law| DAVE ELLIS MEMORIAL LECTURE 2016 INTRODUCTION TO THE LECTURE BY JUSTICE EDWIN CAMERON, JUSTICE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL Court OF SOUTH AFRICA PETER WARD SC, CHAIRPERSON FLAC …
Fellowship 2017 now open! Issued 30 November 2016 |public-interest-law| Attention law students – FLAC is now accepting applications for the 2017 Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship – a unique opportunity awarded each summer to an Irish law …
New legal resource for NGOs on data protection through pro bono legal initiative Issued 25 November 2016 |public-interest-law| Leading Irish law firm McCann FitzGerald and the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA) today launched a handbook on data protection for NGOs and community organisations. …
FLAC appoints new CEO Issued 27 July 2016 |access-to-justice|flac-information|human-rights-law| Legal rights group FLAC has announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive Officer, Ms Eilis Barry, who will take up the position on 7 September next. Ms Barry is a …
New guides for engaging with international human rights mechanisms published Issued 20 April 2016 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law| Today, FLAC published two guides which demonstrate the value of shining an international spotlight on domestic human rights issues. The two guides aim to better equip both …
Time to repair austerity damage to access to justice Issued 25 February 2016 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| Legal rights group FLAC is this morning launching research that charts the impact of the recent recession on how people in Ireland accessed justice through the civil legal …
Michael Farrell argues for greater human rights protections Issued 3 December 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| Speaking in Dublin this evening (3 December 2015), FLAC’s Senior Solicitor and life-long social justice activist Michael Farrell identified serious weaknesses in the …
Speech by Michael Farrell to Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture No 9 Issued 3 December 2015 |access-to-justice|human-rights-law|public-interest-law| You can download the text of Michael Farrell's address on 'Using the Law to achieve social justice' on the occasion of the 9th Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture in Dublin on 3 …
11th hour amendment could make Legal Services Bill a tool for widening access to justice Issued 26 November 2015 |access-to-justice|civil-legal-aid|human-rights-law| In a submission to Seanad members ahead of today’s debate on the Legal Services Regulation Bill 2011, legal rights group FLAC said the Bill as it currently stands does not …