
News - Press Releases Category

  1. Generic Image - CourthouseFLAC welcomes landmark Supreme Court decision concerning the summary eviction of Travellers and seeks urgent legislative reform Issued 31 January 2022 FLAC welcomes the landmark judgement of the Supreme Court delivered today in a case concerning an application under the Planning Acts for the removal of an extended Traveller …
  2. Speirs140619FLACDublin03FLAC Statement on the death of Frank Callanan SC. Issued 13 December 2021 It is with profound sadness we at FLAC learned of the death of Frank Callanan SC.   He was without equal at the Irish Bar and his is death is a huge loss to the legal, …
  3. new logo cropFLAC welcomes WRC decisions in favour of client who suffered discrimination after disclosing his HIV status. Issued 13 December 2021 The Workplace Relations Commission yesterday issued decisions in two linked cases in favour of a man who suffered discrimination, contrary to the Equal Status Acts, after …
  4. blog imageryWaterford Council Decision not to proceed with halting site quashed today in case taken by the FLAC Traveller Legal Service. Issued 23 November 2021 In the case, Ellen Delaney and Mary O’Reilly v Waterford City and County Council, which was heard remotely today by Judge Meenan, Waterford City Council agreed to an order …
  5. Copy of PI Website Header (1280 x 400 px) (1)Irish legal profession to celebrate third Pro Bono Week, calling for increased participation in pro bono. Issued 18 November 2021 On Monday, 22 November 2021, lawyers from A&L Goodbody, Arthur Cox, Holohan Solicitors, KOD Lyons, Leman's, Mason, Hayes & Curran, Matheson, McCann FitzGerald LLP, …
  6. FLAC Pillar to Post - Paper 3FLAC warns that the distress of Covid may be followed by the stress of consumer over-indebtedness, as the cost of living rises and payment breaks and supports are removed. Issued 3 November 2021 Today Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) publishes the third of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which examines issues arising in new and existing …
  7. Stock Image - Scales of Justice with HandsFLAC welcomes settlement of Circuit Court Discrimination Case taken by a woman of Romani heritage against An Garda Síochána Issued 14 October 2021 A discrimination case taken by Professor Ethel Brooks, against An Garda Síochána on foot of an interaction with a member of An Garda Síochána at Dublin Airport reached …
  8. Stock Image - CalculatorFLAC welcomes increase in legal aid funding as a step in the right direction - Budget 2022 Issued 13 October 2021 Speaking following the Budget announcement of an additional €3.3m to support the work of the State’s Legal Aid Board, including the provision of legal advice and legal …
  9. unhrc-ceilingFLAC highlights barriers to justice and inequality at UN Review of Ireland Issued 7 October 2021 FLAC CE Eilis Barry today presented at the UN Universal Periodic Review Pre-sessions. FLAC was joined by a variety of Irish human rights organisations, each presenting on a …
  10. Pro Bono Pledge LogoProBono Pledge Ireland: NGO Pitch Event Issued 30 September 2021 First joint legal and civil society event of its kind   PILA, FLAC’s public interest law project, will hold their first ProBono Pledge Ireland: NGO Pitch Event on …
  11. Copy of Update to flac phoneline times photoNew FLAC Telephone Information Line Number Issued 20 September 2021 FLAC has today, Monday 20th September, introduced a new phone number for its Telephone Information and Referral line. Individuals looking to access free basic legal …
  12. Social Housing (5)FLAC: Housing for All must be built on foundations of Rights and Equality Issued 2 September 2021   FLAC welcomes the aspirations to end homelessness and increase social and affordable housing in the Government’s Housing for All plan. However, FLAC is concerned that …
  13. FLAC Pillar to Post Paper 2 Final v‘Ten Years and Counting’ - FLAC paper examines the difficult question of family home mortgage arrears Issued 18 August 2021 Today, the 18th of August, 2021, FLAC publishes the second of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which assess the difficulties facing consumer borrowers …
  14. civil legal aid asks (1)43 NGOs and advocates join FLAC’s call on Justice Minister to ensure Ireland’s vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities can access Civil Legal Aid Issued 29 July 2021 Update: 44 NGOs and advocates join FLAC’s call on Justice Minister to ensure Ireland’s vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities can access Civil …
  15. FLAC Submission to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community re Access to Housing and Accommodation, Including Traveller-Specific Accommodation and related mattersFLAC addresses Joint Oireachtas Committee on Key Issues Affecting the Traveller Community Issued 22 July 2021 FLAC, Free Legal Advice Centres today, 22-07-2021, addressed the JOC on the subject of Access to housing and accommodation, including Traveller-specific accommodation.  …
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