ProBono Pledge Ireland: NGO Pitch Event
30 September 2021

First joint legal and civil society event of its kind
PILA, FLAC’s public interest law project, will hold their first ProBono Pledge Ireland: NGO Pitch Event on Wednesday 29 September at 9.30am.
The objective of the event is to connect Pledge Signatories that have committed to doing pro bono work with NGO’s and Civil Societies that have projects in need of legal expertise.
In this, the first event of its kind in Ireland, representatives from civil society organisations will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to Pledge Signatories of the Pro Bono Pledge Ireland, which includes 45 law firms across Ireland. The Irish Foster Care Association, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and Nasc Ireland will each provide an overview of their organisations and define the role in which pro bono can further assist the delivery of their objectives.
FLAC CE Eilis Barry, speaking ahead of the event,
“The need for Pro Bono legal assistance is now even more pressing due to the pandemic. Although pro bono work can never be a substitute for a properly funded system of legal aid, it is a vital tool to increase access to justice for vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and groups.”
Pro Bono Pledge Ireland was developed by an independent grouping of law firms, barristers and in-house legal teams with a presence in the Republic of Ireland who have come together to affirm their commitment to delivering pro bono services in Ireland. The Pledge is coordinated by PILA (the Public Interest Law Alliance) a project of FLAC.
PILA, FLAC’s Public Interest Law project are delighted to host this event which marks yet another milestone in the development of Public Interest law in Ireland.
You can register for the event here.
A recording of the webinar will be available afterwards.
@flacireland w:
@pilaireland w.
Editors’ notes:
- FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) is a human rights organisation which exists to promote equal access to justice for all. FLAC offers basic legal information through its telephone information line (1890 350 250). Free legal advice is available from volunteer lawyers through a countrywide network of advice clinics (these clinics are currently conducted over the phone) – more at FLAC provides legal representation in a small number of cases in the public interest. FLAC provides legal advice directly to members of both the Roma Community and the Irish Traveller Community via specialist legal clinics. FLAC engages in policy work in areas of law that most impact on disadvantaged groups and including consumer credit, personal debt, and fairness in social welfare law, public interest law and civil legal aid. It operates the public interest law project PILA.
- PILA (Public Interest Law Alliance), a project of FLAC, is a public interest law network that seeks to engage the legal community and civil society in using the law to advance social change. It operates a pro bono referral scheme for social justice organisations in Ireland – read more at In 20201, PILA is supported by, amongst others, its Sustaining Partners: A&L Goodbody, Arthur Cox and McCann Fitzgerald and Supporting Partner: Eversheds Sutherland.
- Central to PILA’s work is fostering a culture of pro bono legal work, in order to provide free legal supports to community, voluntary and social justice organisations that work directly with vulnerable groups through its Pro Bono Referral Scheme.
- PILA began drafting the Pledge with its legal partners in late 2019. It was drafted in recognition of the significant legal work that is done for the benefit of the community, and a growing appetite within the legal profession to deliver pro bono legal services to those who are left behind by the current justice system.
- The Pledge provides a common definition of pro bono legal services, in line with international best practice, which seeks to address the unmet legal need of low income, disadvantaged or marginalised individuals or communities, and the organisations that work with them. By focusing on unmet legal need, the Pledge is mindful that pro bono should not encroach on legal services that people and organisations are in a position to pay for and can never be a substitute for a properly funded system of legal aid. See more at
- Founding Signatories of the Pledge are as follows:
Barristers: Aoife McMahon BL, Arran Dowling-Hussey BL, Ben Clarke BL, Cathy Smith BL, Christoper Mills BL, Cliodhna Boland BL, Colm Scott Byrne BL, Eithne R O'Doherty BL, Grainne Quinn BL, James Kane BL, Johnnie McCoy BL, Lauren Tennyson BL, Maebh Fenton BL, Norma Judge BL, Patrick McCann SC, Roisin Cottrell BL, Ronan Lupton BL, Siobhan Phelan SC and William Martin-Smith BL.
Law firms: A&L Goodbody, Abbey Law, Arthur Cox, Augustus Cullen Law, Beauchamps, Clarkhill, Colgan Solicitors, Comyn Kelleher Tobin, DAC Beachcroft, Daly Lynch Crowe Morris, Dechert, Dentons, Dillon Eustace, Dillon-Leetch & Co, DLA Piper, Dunne Law, Eamonn Conlon SC, Eugene F Collins, Eversheds Sutherland, KOD Lyons, Lavelle Partners, Leman Solicitors, Lewis Silken, Maguire Muldoon, Mason Hayes & Curran, Matheson, McCann Fitzgerald, McGrath McGrane, Michael Staines Solicitors, O'Flynn Exhams Solicitors, O'Mahoney Solicitors, O'Sullivan Kenny, Philip Lee, PJ O'Driscoll & Sons, Richard Grogan & Associates Solicitors, Rogers Law, Ronan Daly Jermyn, Shalom Binchy & Co Solicitors, Sherwin O'Riordan Solicitors, Simmons & Simmons, SMD Solicitors, SOM Law, St John Solicitors, Tully Rinckey, Walkers Ireland, Woulfe Murphy Solicitors.
Individual Solicitors: John Costello, Leonora B Doyle and Maoilíosa Henry.
In-house Legal Teams: Ronan Group Real Estate and National Broadband Ireland.