New FLAC Telephone Information Line Number
20 September 2021

FLAC has today, Monday 20th September, introduced a new phone number for its Telephone Information and Referral line.
Individuals looking to access free basic legal information can now call FLAC’s Telephone Information and Referral Line on 01 906 10 10.
FLAC’s phone line operates Monday to Friday from 9.30am-1pm. With an additional phone line information service on Monday evenings from 7-9pm for callers who cannot call during the morning.
Please note, due to Covid-19, FLAC’s phoneline has been inundated with queries from worried individuals seeking to know their legal rights. We endeavour to answer each call that comes in, however we do not always have the resources to meet the current demand so there can be wait times for callers.
Visit FLAC's website anytime at for info on Employment Rights, Family Law, Social Welfare Supports and Borrowers Rights during Covid.
As our face-to-face legal advice clinics are currently shut due to the Covid-19 pandemic, FLAC have organised phone legal advice clinics in response to the urgent need for legal advice. These currently operate in cooperation with North Dublin, South Connacht, South Munster and South Leinster CISs. If you are outside these CISs you can avail of this service by calling our phoneline on 01 906 10 10. Our phoneline staff will direct you to the services you need.
If you are a victim of domestic violence and are in immediate danger please call the Gardaí on 999 or 112.
FLAC provides legal advice directly to members of both the Roma Community and The Irish Traveller Community via our Traveller Legal Service.
PILA - Through FLAC’s the public interest law project PILA, we can link NGOs and social justice organisations with the pro bono legal assistance – read more at