
Press Archive for

  1. Stock Image - Scales of Justice with HandsFLAC welcomes settlement of Circuit Court Discrimination Case taken by a woman of Romani heritage against An Garda Síochána Issued 14 October 2021 A discrimination case taken by Professor Ethel Brooks, against An Garda Síochána on foot of an interaction with a member of An Garda Síochána at Dublin Airport reached …
  2. Stock Image - CalculatorFLAC welcomes increase in legal aid funding as a step in the right direction - Budget 2022 Issued 13 October 2021 Speaking following the Budget announcement of an additional €3.3m to support the work of the State’s Legal Aid Board, including the provision of legal advice and legal …
  3. unhrc-ceilingFLAC highlights barriers to justice and inequality at UN Review of Ireland Issued 7 October 2021 FLAC CE Eilis Barry today presented at the UN Universal Periodic Review Pre-sessions. FLAC was joined by a variety of Irish human rights organisations, each presenting on a …
  4. Pro Bono Pledge LogoProBono Pledge Ireland: NGO Pitch Event Issued 30 September 2021 First joint legal and civil society event of its kind   PILA, FLAC’s public interest law project, will hold their first ProBono Pledge Ireland: NGO Pitch Event on …
  5. Copy of Update to flac phoneline times photoNew FLAC Telephone Information Line Number Issued 20 September 2021 FLAC has today, Monday 20th September, introduced a new phone number for its Telephone Information and Referral line. Individuals looking to access free basic legal …
  6. Social Housing (5)FLAC: Housing for All must be built on foundations of Rights and Equality Issued 2 September 2021   FLAC welcomes the aspirations to end homelessness and increase social and affordable housing in the Government’s Housing for All plan. However, FLAC is concerned that …
  7. Copy of Raffle  (1)Support the FLAC Summer Raffle! Issued 19 August 2021 During the Covid pandemic, each of our lives were impacted by barriers, restrictions and uncertainty. Throughout these difficult times, FLAC has continued to work for those …
  8. FLAC Pillar to Post Paper 2 Final v‘Ten Years and Counting’ - FLAC paper examines the difficult question of family home mortgage arrears Issued 18 August 2021 Today, the 18th of August, 2021, FLAC publishes the second of four papers in the series ‘From Pillar to Post’ which assess the difficulties facing consumer borrowers …
  9. civil legal aid asks (1)43 NGOs and advocates join FLAC’s call on Justice Minister to ensure Ireland’s vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities can access Civil Legal Aid Issued 29 July 2021 Update: 44 NGOs and advocates join FLAC’s call on Justice Minister to ensure Ireland’s vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities can access Civil …
  10. FLAC Submission to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community re Access to Housing and Accommodation, Including Traveller-Specific Accommodation and related mattersFLAC addresses Joint Oireachtas Committee on Key Issues Affecting the Traveller Community Issued 22 July 2021 FLAC, Free Legal Advice Centres today, 22-07-2021, addressed the JOC on the subject of Access to housing and accommodation, including Traveller-specific accommodation.  …
  11. FLAC PILLAR to POST Paper One FINAL LRNow is the time to talk about consumer debt warns Legal Rights NGO, FLAC. Issued 30 June 2021   Launch of series of papers – From Pillar to Post  Today, FLAC - Free Legal Advice Centres, launches the first in a series of four papers to raise concerns and create …
  12. opening slide FLAC Annual Report 2020  Access to Justice unattainable for too many - NGO FLAC has 12,468 callers to their legal helpline during 2020.  Issued 29 June 2021 The Chief Justice of Ireland, the Hon. Mr Justice Frank Clarke, will virtually launch the FLAC 2020 Annual Report, “Remote Justice”, at 9:00am on Tuesday 29th June …
  13. Copy of FLAC Annual Report 2020 BannerLaunch of 'Remote Justice' FLAC Annual Report 2020 via Zoom Tuesday, 29th June 2021 Issued 28 June 2021 FLAC's Annual Report for 2020 will be launched on Tuesday 29th June 2021 by the Chief Justice, Frank Clarke.   'Rights are even more important in a pandemic'.   FLAC …
  14. David welcome graphicNew FLAC Chairperson - David Fennelly BL Issued 22 June 2021 FLAC are delighted to announce the new Chairperson of FLAC is David Fennelly BL. David is a practising barrister  and Assistant Professor in Law at Trinity College Dublin. …
  15. Copy of Equal status project (1)Announced review of equality law timely and necessary says legal rights NGO FLAC Issued 22 June 2021 FLAC has welcomed the announcement today of a commitment to review Ireland’s Equality legislation. The announcement was made by Roderic O’Gorman TD, Minister for …
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