
Press Archive for

  1. FLAC Seasons Greetings 2022Season's Greetings from FLAC Issued 19 December 2022 Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year to all our friends, colleagues and service users from FLAC staff and council! Our Phone Advice Clinics have now …
  2. Ireland For Ukraine LogoPILA is delighted to be one of the recipients of the #IrelandForUkraine grant from the Community Foundation of Ireland to help Ukrainians in Ireland Issued 19 October 2022 PILA is delighted to be one of the recipients of the #IrelandForUkraine grant from the Community Foundation of Ireland to help Ukrainians in Ireland. We give thanks to all …
  3. FLACWRC ORDERS SUPERMARKET TO PAY €12,000 COMPENSATION FOR TRAVELLER DISCRIMINATION Issued 12 October 2022 FLAC welcomes the decision of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to award its clients €12,000 for the effects of the discrimination they suffered on a visit to …
  4. twitter images (2)Oireachtas must address lack of recognition for bereaved members of Cohabiting Couples and their families Issued 7 October 2022 The High Court ruled this morning that a bereaved member of a cohabiting couple with three children, who had been living together in a committed relationship for 20 years, is …
  5. FLACWRC AWARDS FLAC CLIENT COMPENSATION FOR TRAVELLER DISCRIMINATION Issued 30 September 2022 FLAC welcomes the decision of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to award its client €2,000 for the effects of the discrimination he was subjected to by a local waste …
  6. NGO Guides LaunchFLAC’s Public Interest Law Alliance launches new All-Ireland Legal Guides for NGOs Issued 13 September 2022   On Wednesday, the 14th of September 2022 at 10am, PILA, a project of FLAC, will officially launch a series of legal Guides for NGOs across the Republic of Ireland and …
  7. new logo cropFLAC: IRFU Gender Participation Policy may give rise to unlawful discrimination and serious human rights and equality concerns Issued 11 August 2022 FLAC: IRFU Gender Participation Policy may give rise to unlawful discrimination and serious human rights and equality concerns Legal rights organisation FLAC has voiced …
  8. WRC LOGO screenshotWRC finds Bank’s refusal to engage with customer through an ISL interpreter constituted unlawful discrimination Issued 5 July 2022 WRC finds Bank’s refusal to engage with customer through an ISL interpreter constituted unlawful discrimination   Permanent TSB refused to allow FLAC’s client, Ms Sofiya …
  9. FLAC Annual Report 2021 FinalFLAC annual report indicates access to justice crisis Issued 27 June 2022 The Chief Justice of Ireland, Mr Justice Donal O’Donnell will launch the FLAC Annual Report 2021, “Towards Equal Access to Justice”, at 9:00am on Monday, 27 June 2022. …
  10. Sinead at TranEquality LaunchFLAC are proud to announce our membership of Trans Equality Together Issued 14 June 2022 FLAC are proud to announce our membership of Trans Equality Together, an Irish coalition working to create an Ireland where trans & non-binary people are equal, safe …
  11. twitter images (2)FLAC welcomes vital opportunity to advocate for fit-for-purpose civil legal aid system Issued 2 June 2022 FLAC welcomes the establishment of a Civil Legal Aid Review Group by the Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee. Speaking about the announcement, FLAC CE, Eilis Barry said,  …
  12. FLAC LGBTQI  ClinicProud to be part of Equal Rights: FLAC officially launches LGBTQI+ Clinic Issued 30 May 2022 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) officially launches their pilot LGBTQI+ legal clinic in Dublin today, Monday May 30 2022. Eilis Barry CE of FLAC, speaking in advance of the …
  13. new logoFLAC calls for clarity on legal aid review amid increasing demand for services Issued 29 March 2022 Following the publication of the Department of Justice Plan 2022, legal rights NGO, FLAC have said that clarity is required on the commencement of the long overdue review …
  14. VHI LinkedIn 1Jog for Justice Issued 3 March 2022 Registration is now open for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon on 5th June 2022. Join Team FLAC as we walk, run and Jog for Justice in the annual 10k road race which takes …
  15. twitter imagesWRC finds hotel discriminated against family when it refused them access to emergency accommodation Issued 2 March 2022 The WRC found that the Charleville Park Hotel discriminated against FLAC’s clients on the basis of their membership of the Traveller community and because they were in …
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