

There are 430 FLAC publications available. Showing items 81 - 90.

  1. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to the Review of the Implementation of  the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion. pdfFLAC Submission to the Review of the Implementatio...
  2. FLAC submission on LGBTQI strategyFLAC Submission to inform the Department of Justice and Equality’s consultation on the National LGBTI Inclusion Strategy
  3. FLAC LSRA SubmissionFLAC Submission to Legal Services Regulatory Authority on the Legal Practitioners Education and Training Review
  4. Pre-Budget Submission 2019FLAC Pre-Budget Submission 2019
  5. Publication cover - Lydia Foy Case Report 2018Lydia Foy and the struggle for Transgender Rights in Ireland
  6. Flac submission on Central Bank Strategic PlanFLAC Submission on Central Bank of Ireland – Strategic Plan 2019-2021
  7. Publication cover - FLAC's second submission to the Review of Admin Civil JusticeFLAC's second submission to the Review of Admin Civil Justice (June 2018)FLAC submission to the Review of Administration of Civil Justice (June 2018)
  8. Publication cover - HCJ_stay.PDFThe High Court Judgement between The Data Protection Commissioner and Facebook Ireland Limited and Maximillian SchremsJudgement of Ms. Justice Costello delivered on 2nd day of May, 2018
  9. Publication cover - Submission: Multi-Party Actions Bill 2017Submission: Multi-Party Actions Bill 2017A submission by FLAC to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality
  10. Publication cover - FLAC submission on the Review of the Admin of Civil JusticeFLAC submission on the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice (February 2018)FLAC Submission on the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice (February 2018)
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(430 publications)
