

There are 438 FLAC publications available. Showing items 101 - 110.

  1. Publication cover - FLAC submission to ICERD FLAC submission to ICERD
  2. Publication cover - FLAC Submission on the Future of PolicingFLAC Submission on the Future of Policing
  3. Publication cover - FLAC Submission on the Future of PolicingSubmission to inform the proposals of the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland Submission to inform the proposals of the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland
  4. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to the Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2015FLAC Submission to the Review Group on the current operation of the Gender Recognition Act 2015 FLAC Submission to the Review Group on the current operation of the Gender Recognition Act 2015
  5. Publication cover - FLAC Fellowship 2018FLAC Fellowship 2018Attention law students – Fellowship 2018 now open!
  6. Publication cover - Letter Brexit 1 December 2017 TánaisteLetter to Tánaiste from Human Rights organisations
  7. Publication cover - 2017 10 03 Data Protection Commissioner and Facebook Ireland Limited and Maximillian SchremsThe Data Protection Commissioner and Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian SchremsExecutive Summary of Judgement on 03/10/2017
  8. Publication cover - Submission: Courts Service Statement of Strategy 2018Submission: Courts Service Statement of Strategy 2018-2020
  9. Publication cover - Submission: analysing current developments in the resolution of mortgage arrears & related issues and the review of the Personal Insolvency Act 2012 (as amended)Submission: Analysing current developments in the resolution of mortgage arrears and related issues and on the review of the Personal Insolvency Act 2012 (as amended)
  10. Publication cover - Submission on the General Scheme of the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Bill 2016Submission on the General Scheme of the Financial ...Submission on the General Scheme of the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Bill 2016
... 9 10 11 12 13 ...
(438 publications)
