
Press Archive for

  1. Tactile ballot #2First use of tactile voting: "I'd been looking forward to this moment for years" Issued 24 May 2018 The recent constitutional referendum on the Eight Amendment to the Constitution was the first opportunity for people with a visual impairment to cast their vote in secret …
  2. FLACFLAC supports the repeal of the Eighth Amendment Issued 18 May 2018 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) is an independent non-governmental, organisation which exists to promote access to justice. FLAC seeks to advance national and international …
  3. Ciaran MoloneyNational Volunteer Week: I get great satisfaction from the volunteering I do with FLAC Issued 15 May 2018 "Sometimes I find that people can be a little wary of the formal setting of a solicitor’s office.  They aren’t sure where the first stop should be in tackling a problem …
  4. Sale of mortgage arrears to “vulture funds” a cause of concern Issued 11 May 2018 Sale of mortgage arrears to “vulture funds” a cause of concern New solutions needed to tackle unsustainable debt burdens The announcement by Ulster Bank that it intends …
  5. Stock Image - Scales w/ Books BackgroundNew Domestic Violence laws a welcome step in protecting abuse victims Issued 2 May 2018 New Domestic Violence laws a welcome step in protecting abuse victims-FLAC New laws giving greater legal protection for victims of domestic violence are a positive step, Free …
  6. FLACAmicus curiae Issued 1 May 2018 Amicus curiae As part of FLAC’s approach to litigation; providing legal representation in cases that have strategic value, we represented a US non-profit body, EPIC …
  7. FLACFLAC's condolences on the passing of our volunteer Issued 26 April 2018 FLAC would like to express our condolences to the family and friends of our volunteer, Anna Considine, who passed away on the 13 April 2018 after a long illness. Anna lived …
  8. Stock Image - House Keychain (Mortgages/Housing)As problem of long term mortgage arrears gets worse, new solutions needed to stave off repossession Issued 11 April 2018 Central Back giving itself a “pat on the back” but thousands still at risk of defaulting New solutions which seriously tackle the unstainable debt burdens of thousands of …
  9. New Building Print cropFLAC has moved Issued 6 April 2018 After 15 wonderful years at 13 Lower Dorset Street we have moved not too far away to 85/86 Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 P9Y3 We look forward to welcoming you to our …
  10. FLACNotice re clinics Issued 28 March 2018 Please note that the advice clinics in Ballymun, Lucan & Swords will not take place tomorrow, (29th). All other clinics scheduled will proceed as normal. For clinic …
  11. Stock Image - Keys, Money, House (Mortgages)As data shows 70,000 mortgages in arrears, deals done on loans sold to vulture funds must be honored Issued 23 March 2018 As data shows 70,000 mortgages in arrears, deals done on loans sold to vulture funds must be honored State must insist that homeowners protected after loans transferred …
  12. Tara Casey CropUCD law student wins prestigious legal fellowship Issued 20 March 2018 UCD law student, Tara Casey has been awarded the Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowships for 2018. The fellowship is run in association with FLAC and enables an outstanding Irish …
  13. FLACAbsence during extreme weather -know your entitlements Issued 6 March 2018 Extreme and severe weather events can impact on an employee’s ability to report for work and an employer’s ability to operate his/her business and to be able to provide …
  14. legal aidFLAC welcomes the decision of the Minister for Justice and Equality to abolish the financial contribution requirement for civil legal aid for people affected by domestic violence in the District Court Issued 28 December 2017 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the decision of the Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, to abolish the financial contribution requirement for …
  15. 3 red baubles crop2 2FLAC holiday opening hours Issued 24 December 2017 FLAC head office will be closed from 12:45pm on Friday 2 December 2017 until 9am Tuesday 2 January 2018. Our telephone information & referral line will reopen on Tuesday …
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