
Press Archive for

  1. FLACFLAC Conference on the legal implications of the Public Sector Duty in Irish law Issued 4 October 2018 Friday 19th October, Morrison Hotel, Lower Ormond Quay FLAC Conference: The legal implications of the Public Sector Duty in Irish law FLAC is delighted to invite you to our …
  2. ar 1725,817 received legal information and advice in 2017 Issued 11 September 2018 Top queries: family law, employment law, wills/probate and housing 103 casefiles: housing, social welfare and discrimination Call for wider powers to be given to the Courts …
  3. FLACFLAC Conference on the legal implications of the public sector duty in Irish law Issued 2 August 2018 Save the date: Friday 19th October FLAC Conference on the legal implications of the public sector duty in Irish law FLAC is delighted to invite you to our conference on the …
  4. FLACFLAC Volunteer Advisors Needed Issued 19 July 2018
  5. FLACFLAC welcomes Gender Recognition proposals Issued 18 July 2018 Speaking following the publication of the Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2015 by the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection today, CEO of FLAC (Free …
  6. FLACHappy Pride 2018 Issued 30 June 2018 FLAC would like to wish everyone a Happy Pride 2018!
  7. Katie DawsonFLAC holds Pop-up LGBTQ Legal Advice Clinic for Pride Week Issued 20 June 2018 As part of the 2018 Pride celebrations, FLAC hosted a Free Legal Advice Clinic specifically for the LGBTQ community on Monday 25th June.  The clinic took place …
  8. Carers WeekFLAC hosts pop-up disability clinic for Carers Week Issued 11 June 2018 As part of Carers Week 2018, FLAC teamed up with the Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) in Dublin to deliver a pop-up legal advice clinic.  The CRC works to make a positive …
  9. FLAC“A story of great human proportions” – Lydia Foy and the struggle for Transgender Rights in Ireland Issued 8 June 2018 On the 8 June at our in our new building on 85/86 Dorset Street Upper, FLAC launched “A story of great human proportions” – Lydia Foy and the struggle for Transgender …
  10. Tactile ballot #2First use of tactile voting: "I'd been looking forward to this moment for years" Issued 24 May 2018 The recent constitutional referendum on the Eight Amendment to the Constitution was the first opportunity for people with a visual impairment to cast their vote in secret …
  11. FLACFLAC supports the repeal of the Eighth Amendment Issued 18 May 2018 FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) is an independent non-governmental, organisation which exists to promote access to justice. FLAC seeks to advance national and international …
  12. Ciaran MoloneyNational Volunteer Week: I get great satisfaction from the volunteering I do with FLAC Issued 15 May 2018 "Sometimes I find that people can be a little wary of the formal setting of a solicitor’s office.  They aren’t sure where the first stop should be in tackling a problem …
  13. Sale of mortgage arrears to “vulture funds” a cause of concern Issued 11 May 2018 Sale of mortgage arrears to “vulture funds” a cause of concern New solutions needed to tackle unsustainable debt burdens The announcement by Ulster Bank that it intends …
  14. Stock Image - Scales w/ Books BackgroundNew Domestic Violence laws a welcome step in protecting abuse victims Issued 2 May 2018 New Domestic Violence laws a welcome step in protecting abuse victims-FLAC New laws giving greater legal protection for victims of domestic violence are a positive step, Free …
  15. FLACAmicus curiae Issued 1 May 2018 Amicus curiae As part of FLAC’s approach to litigation; providing legal representation in cases that have strategic value, we represented a US non-profit body, EPIC …
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