

There are 223 policy publications. Showing items 61 - 70.

  1. Publication cover - FLAC's second submission to the Review of Admin Civil JusticeFLAC's second submission to the Review of Admin Civil Justice (June 2018)FLAC submission to the Review of Administration of Civil Justice (June 2018)
  2. Publication cover - Submission: Multi-Party Actions Bill 2017Submission: Multi-Party Actions Bill 2017A submission by FLAC to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality
  3. Publication cover - FLAC submission on the fifth programme of law reformFLAC submission on the fifth programme of law reform
  4. Publication cover - FLAC submission to ICERD FLAC submission to ICERD
  5. Publication cover - FLAC submission on the Review of the Admin of Civil JusticeFLAC submission on the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice (February 2018)FLAC Submission on the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice (February 2018)
  6. Publication cover - FLAC Submission on the Future of PolicingFLAC Submission on the Future of Policing
  7. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to the Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2015FLAC Submission to the Review Group on the current operation of the Gender Recognition Act 2015 FLAC Submission to the Review Group on the current operation of the Gender Recognition Act 2015
  8. Publication cover - Submission: Courts Service Statement of Strategy 2018Submission: Courts Service Statement of Strategy 2018-2020
  9. Publication cover - Submission: analysing current developments in the resolution of mortgage arrears & related issues and the review of the Personal Insolvency Act 2012 (as amended)Submission: Analysing current developments in the resolution of mortgage arrears and related issues and on the review of the Personal Insolvency Act 2012 (as amended)
  10. Publication cover - FLAC submission to inform the new National Traveller and Roma Inclusion StrategyFLAC Submission to inform the new National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy
... 5 6 7 8 9 ...
(223 publications)
