

There are 223 policy publications. Showing items 51 - 60.

  1. FLAC Submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality: Access to Justice & Costs
  2. Publication cover - FLAC Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Committee on Finance Public Expenditure and Reform and TaoiseachFLAC Opening Statement to JOC Finance on No Consent, No Sale Bill, 2019.
  3. Publication cover - FLAC Supplementary Submission to JOC Finance Public Expenditure and Reform and Taoiseach 16 04 19FLAC Supplementary Submission to JOC Finance on 'No Consent, No Sale' Bill 2019
  4. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to JOC Finance on 'No Consent, No Sale' Bill 2019FLAC Submission to JOC Finance on 'No Consent, No Sale' Bill 2019
  5. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to the Oir Justice Ctte on Family Law Reform March 2019FLAC Submission to the Oir Justice Ctte on Family ...
  6. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to the Review of the Implementation of  the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion. pdfFLAC Submission to the Review of the Implementatio...
  7. FLAC submission on LGBTQI strategyFLAC Submission to inform the Department of Justice and Equality’s consultation on the National LGBTI Inclusion Strategy
  8. FLAC LSRA SubmissionFLAC Submission to Legal Services Regulatory Authority on the Legal Practitioners Education and Training Review
  9. Pre-Budget Submission 2019FLAC Pre-Budget Submission 2019
  10. Flac submission on Central Bank Strategic PlanFLAC Submission on Central Bank of Ireland – Strategic Plan 2019-2021
... 4 5 6 7 8 ...
(223 publications)
