

There are 228 policy publications. Showing items 11 - 20.

  1. FLAC Standards and Suggested Wording for Constitutional AmendmentsStandards & Suggested Wording for Constitutional Amendments in relation to the Equality Guarantee, replacing the ‘Women in the Home’ Provision & the Non-Marital Family
  2. FLAC Referendums Workshop ReportReport on FLAC Consultation with Academics & Legal Practitioners re Wording for Amendments to Articles 40 and 41 of the Constitution
  3. Final_Access to Justice Conference Report[13]The Chief Justice’s Working Group on Access to Justice: Second Conference ReportCivil Legal Review: An opportunity to develop a model system in Ireland
  4. CPC review submission finalSubmission to the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) on the Consumer Protection Code Review Discussion Paper, October 2022
  5. FLAC Submission to the consultation on the proposed new Social Welfare Appeal RegulationsSubmission to the consultation on the proposed new Social Welfare Appeal Regulations
  6. FLAC Supplemental Submission to the Inter Departmental Referendum Committee re Non Marital FamiliesFLAC Supplemental Submission to the Inter-Departmental Referendums Committee: Ensuring Constitutional Protection for Non-Marital Families
  7. FLAC Submission to the Inter Departmental Referendum CommitteeFLAC Submission to the Inter-Departmental Committee: Referendums on Family, Care and Equality
  8. FLAC Civil Legal Aid Review Stakeholder SubmissionFLAC Stakeholder Submission to the Civil Legal Aid Review
  9. FLAC Submission to JCGE on Constitutional ChangeFLAC Submission to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality re Constitutional Change
  10. From Pillar to Post Paper 4 - A Review of Debt Resolution Mechanisms and Debt Support Services with Final Recommendations for ReformFLAC Pillar to Post Paper 4A Review of Debt Resolution Mechanisms and Debt Support Services with Final Recommendations for Reform
1 2 3 4 5 ...
(228 publications)
