
News - Press Releases Category

  1. FLACIndependence of new body the key to ensuring equality and human rights Issued 20 April 2012 Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) welcomes the strong call for a new Human Rights & Equality Commission to be fully independent of government. …
  2. FLACNeed to learn from others' experience on personal insolvency law Issued 19 April 2012 At a conference launched by Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton TD in Dublin this morning, legal rights organisation FLAC is bringing together Irish and international …
  3. Publication cover - Transgender Bill promised for year's endFoy compensation decision welcome but legislation still needed Issued 4 April 2012 FLAC welcomes the Government decision to consider paying compensation to Dr Lydia Foy for its failure to officially recognise her as a woman for many years but points out …
  4. FLACBriefing: Legal Services Regulation Bill 2011 Issued 21 March 2012 FLAC presentation on Legal Services Regulation Bill 2011 to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality Wednesday 21 March 2012 FLAC (Free Legal Advice …
  5. FLACCode already allows banks ample contact with customers, so why change it? Issued 14 March 2012 Legal rights organisation FLAC today called on the Central Bank to clarify why it should allow banks to make more calls to hard-pressed customers in mortgage arrears, after a …
  6. FLACTransgender woman in civil partnership Issued 22 February 2012 A transgender woman has officially entered a civil partnership with her female partner in Ireland. The registration ceremony, which took place some time ago, amounts to legal …
  7. Publication cover - Legal Services Regulation Bill 2011 submissionLegal services reform must not be 'change for the sake of it' Issued 21 February 2012 Government proposals to change how legal services are delivered in Ireland do not prioritise access to the legal system and thus will not improve the situation for many …
  8. FLACFLAC reaction to mortgage arrears figures from Central Bank in February 2012 Issued 17 February 2012 FLAC Press Release Friday 17 February 2012 The legal rights organisation FLAC today said that even though the rise in mortgage debt was entirely predictable, there should be …
  9. homepicture_seesawScheme must be fair and effective for personal debt resolution Issued 15 February 2012 The proposed new debt resolution scheme must offer a fair and effective way for those who cannot support their enormous debt burdens to deal realistically with their …
  10. FLACDraft debt resolution scheme is a significant advance Issued 25 January 2012 FLAC said on 25 January 2012 that the publication of a draft debt resolution scheme today is a significant advance to address the problems of seriously over indebted …
  11. FLACDanger of giving banks veto on personal debt resolution Issued 23 January 2012 Following on the announcement on Friday last that the government has sought to further delay the issue of the personal insolvency legislation, and amid rampant speculation on …
  12. FLACFLAC: Disappointment at further delays on insolvency bill Issued 20 January 2012 Following reports that the government seeks to defer the publication of new bankruptcy laws by a further month to the end of April 2012, Noeline Blackwell, Director General …
  13. FLAC Chair Peter Ward SC, FLAC Senior Solicitor Michael Farrell, Baroness Nuala O'Loan, FLAC Director Noeline Blackwell, FLAC's5th Annual Dave Ellis Memorial LectureState must address "human cost" of not aiding access to law Issued 1 December 2011 At a lecture in Dublin this evening Baroness Nuala O'Loan identified the twin barriers of an overly complex legal system and high costs as huge obstacles for people who need …
  14. FLACNew Home Mortgage Arrears Figures - Still No Effective Action, says FLAC Issued 18 November 2011 Figures released today by the Central Bank in relation to residential mortgage arrears come a year and a day after the Cooney Expert Group on Mortgage Arrears issued its …
  15. Publication cover - Pils-Pila Conference ProgrammeGood Friday Agreement commitment to human rights still worth fighting for Issued 11 November 2011 Changes to the UK's human rights regime proposed by the coalition government are a negative step and would undermine the practical successes of the 1998 Human Rights Act, the …
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