PILN Bulletin, 26 February 2009
In this Bulletin:
1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Follow-Up Conference, 6 April 2009;
2. NI Court rules Children’s Commissioner cannot take case;
3. EU directive on data retention to be introduced;
4. Women’s Peace Camp wins case;
5. First Guantanamo prisoner released under Obama regime;
6. Legal proceedings against UK over breach of legal obligations relating to the Occupied Palestinian Territory;
7. Judge Michael Kirby retires;
8. Vacancies (various locations);
9. European Commission consultation on access to a bank account, deadline 6 April 2009;
10. Irish Women Lawyers Association: Conference, 28 February 2009;
11. Transparency International launch and roundtable on Corruption in Ireland, 2 March 2009;
12. Dublin Solicitors Bar Association: Litigation Seminar, 5 March 2009;
13. International Women’s Day celebrations (various locations);
14. Academy of European Law: Conference on Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the Area of Migration, Strasbourg, 17 March 2009.