PILN Bulletin 24 July 08

PILN Bulletin 24 July 08
In this issue:
1. Third periodic report of Ireland under International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights examined by UN Human Rights Committee, 14-15 July 2008
2. Launch of ICCPR Shadow Report to the third periodic report of Ireland, joint collaboration by FLAC, ICCL & IPRT, 14 July 2008
3. FLAC receives international award for pro bono work, 14 July 2008
4. UN appoints new Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders
5. UK: Mother facing separation from son asks Law Lords for relief
6. HSE to pay benefit after Judicial Review
7. Fourth Annual Human Rights Lecture of the Law Society of Ireland now available
8. Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, INTO & Amnesty International Irish Section host conference on Human Rights Education For a Sustainable Future: Celebrating 60 years of the UDHR, 19 and 20 September 2008
9. Equality Authority, Legal Aid Board launch Annual Reports