PILN Bulletin, 20 August 2009
In this Bulletin:
1. FLAC issues Briefing Document on Habitual Residence Condition;
2. Ombudsman secures early Social Welfare hearing;
3. Supreme Court Says No to Legal Aid for Inquest;
4. UCC Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights concludes second short course in Cork prison;
5. Introducing Public Interest Litigation Support (The PILS Project);
6. UK: British DPP to produce guidelines relating to assisted suicide;
7. USA: Moderate sworn in as newest member of US Supreme Court;
8. Founder of Public Interest Law Institute awarded 2009 International Human Rights Award;
9. Paper by Lord Justice Sedley at the Annual Human Rights Lecture of the Law Society;
10. Jobs – various positions;
11. Second Annual McCluskey Civil Rights Summer School, Carlingford, 29 August 2009;
12. Respond! Training opportunities on housing;
13. Date for Your Diary: A Fairer Ireland: Equality and Rights at the Heart of Recovery, 24 November 2009;
14. The Hart Judicial Review Conference, London, 11 December 2009.