

There are 228 policy publications. Showing items 21 - 30.

  1. FLAC Submission to the Housing Commission Consultation on a Referendum on HousingFLAC Submission to the Housing Commission Consultation on a Referendum on Housing
  2. Access to Justice Conference - Final ReportAccess to Justice Conference 2021 - Final ReportPapers, presentation and summary of the Access to Justice Conference October 2021
  3. FLAC Submission on the development of a Youth Homelessness StrategyFLAC Submission on the development of a Youth Homelessness Strategy
  4. FLAC Submission to the Consultation on the Review of the Equality ActsFLAC Submission to the Consultation on the Review of the Equality Acts
  5. FLAC Guide: The Review of the Equality Acts, Making a Submission to the Review, & The Key Issues Under Review.
  6. FLAC Pillar to Post - Paper 3FLAC Pillar to Post - Paper 3Paper Three: Covid 19 payment breaks on credit agreements An Assessment of Current Research Data
  7. FLAC Traveller and Roma Fact SheetFLAC Traveller and Roma Fact Sheet- Resource for UPR examination
  8. FLAC Legal Aid Fact SheetFLAC Legal Aid Fact Sheet- Resource for UPR examination
  9. FLAC Equality Fact SheetFLAC Equality Fact Sheet- Resource for UPR examination
  10. Submission on General Scheme of Consumer Credit (Amendment) Bill 2021[85]FLAC Submission to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach, on the General Scheme of the Consumer Credit (Amendment) Bill 2021
1 2 3 4 5 ...
(228 publications)
