

There are 223 policy publications. Showing items 71 - 80.

  1. Publication cover - FLAC's Submission to the Department of Justice to inform its review of the Defamation Act 2009FLAC's Submission to the Department of Justice to inform its review of the Defamation Act 2009
  2. Publication cover - FLAC Submission on new National Womens StrategyFLAC Submission on new National Womens Strategy
  3. Publication cover - FLAC Submission to the Department of Housing on its Private Rented StrategyFLAC Submission to the Department of Housing on its Private Rented Strategy
  4. Publication cover - Final FLAC Briefing for Nils MuiznieksFLAC Briefing for Nils Muiznieks
  5. Publication cover - FLAC CEDAW Submission FinalFLAC CEDAW Submission
  6. Publication cover - Joint Submission: Social Welfare Bill 2016Joint Submission: Social Welfare Bill 2016By FLAC and Community Law & Mediation
  7. Publication cover - Presentation: Review of Pensions&Financial Services Ombudsman Heads of Bill 2016Presentation: Review of Pensions & FSO Heads of Bill 2016
  8. Publication cover - Submission: Dept of Justice Strategy Statement Submission: Dept of Justice Strategy Statement
  9. Publication cover - Submission: Dept of Finance Strategy Statement Submission: Dept of Finance Strategy Statement
  10. Publication cover - Submission: DPER Strategy StatementSubmission: DPER Strategy Statement
... 6 7 8 9 10 ...
(223 publications)
