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FLAC welcomes Conclusions and Recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee Issued 25 July 2014 FLAC today welcomed the Conclusions and Recommendations issued by the UN’s Human Rights Committee in Geneva following their examination on 14-15 July of the state of civil …
Transcript of the pre-budget submission FLAC's Yvonne O'Sullivan made to the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Debate on Wednesday 16 July 2014 Issued 24 July 2014 I thank the committee for inviting FLAC to make a presentation on its pre-budget submission. The Oireachtas and its standing committees play a vital role in overseeing the …
Budget must meet basic fairness standards if government wants people to stand by it Issued 16 July 2014 Access to justice campaign group FLAC is today calling on the state to produce a budget that people can tolerate by applying basic human rights standards in how it decides to …
Oireachtas committee report on lenders' handling of mortgage arrears is challenge for Finance Minister Issued 8 July 2014 Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today welcomed a comprehensive report from an Oireachtas committee tasked with reviewing the way banks in Ireland handle …
'Rights meaningless without access’ says Chief Justice Issued 7 July 2014 Chief Justice Susan Denham today said that rights without access to them are meaningless. Speaking as she launched FLAC’s (Free Legal Advice Centres’) annual report for …
More than 27,000 legal queries in 2013 highlight gaps in the legal system Issued 7 July 2014 Legal rights group FLAC has directly helped some 27,546 people with their legal queries in 2013, according to its annual report for 2013 launched by Chief Justice Susan …
Access to Legal Aid as part of access to justice: A rigid or discretionary right? Paper delivered to the Legal Aid Board Annual Conference 2014 on 18 June 2014 By Noeline Blackwell, Director General, FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centers. Issued 30 June 2014 The recent discussion about discretionary health cards has revealed a fascinating underlying discussion about whether the right to access the health system when one is poor …
Transgender bill - changes welcome but may still fail human rights standards Issued 19 June 2014 The revised text of a draft Bill to finally recognise transgender people in their true gender is welcome, says legal rights group FLAC, but warned against any further delay …
Long-term mortgage arrears a greater concern than ever Issued 5 June 2014 The Central Bank has today issued its report to 31 March 2014 on mortgage arrears, repossessions and re-structures on family homes. This shows an overall small decrease in …
FLAC in Portlaoise is recruiting new volunteer advisors Issued 30 May 2014 Solicitors and barristers fully qualified to practice in Ireland are now sought to volunteer at the FLAC service in Portlaoise, Co.Laois. The Portloaise FLAC provides a free …
Tralee FLAC is recruiting new volunteers for its Free Legal Advice Centre Issued 29 May 2014 Solicitors and barristers fully qualified to practice in Ireland are now recruited to volunteer at the FLAC service in Tralee, Co. Kerry. This service provides first stop …
- FLAC to lead shadow reporting process for ESC covenant Issued 22 May 2014 One of FLAC's key aims is to advance international and national standards that promote human rights, which are fundamental to everyone and permeate all areas of law. Ireland …
Navan FLAC is recruiting new volunteers for its much needed service Issued 13 March 2014 Fully qualified solicitors and barristers are now recruited to volunteer at the FLAC service in Navan, Co. Meath. The volunteers are asked to provide first stop legal …
Comprehensive reform of protections for consumers of credit and other financial services urgently needed Issued 7 March 2014 The state is failing to properly protect people who avail of credit and other financial services; that is the key finding from a new report by legal rights group FLAC (Free …
New human rights blueprint will enhance Ireland’s foreign policy Issued 24 January 2014 Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today welcomed the launch of a new initiative to help Ireland uphold basic human rights standards in its foreign policy …