Pressing need for clear information & advice for consumers on personal debt options
16 May 2013

Legal rights group FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) today hosts an information event on 'Moving out of Personal Debt: How to use the new legal infrastructure on personal debt and insolvency'.
Aimed at our volunteer advisors as well as other interested parties, FLAC has organised the session in view of the new and complex personal insolvency arrangements as well as the existing personal debt provisions such as the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears.
Above all, however, FLAC is seeking to underline the urgent need for clear and comprehensive information and support for people seeking to navigate the labyrinthine legal and financial infrastructure in order to address their debt situation. We have been very fortunate to have outstanding speakers agree to come along today to provide attendees with information.
Coincidentally, this week marks National Volunteers Week 2013. FLAC's dedicated volunteer legal advisors are on the front line helping people out of difficult situations in all areas of law.
With personal debt now one of the top areas of enquiry on our national telephone information line and in our Free Legal Advice Centres countrywide, it is very heartening to see so many volunteers signed up for today's information session.
FLAC seeks to make sure our volunteers are resourced to help people find solutions to their legal queries or point them in the right direction. We thank and applaud all our volunteers all over the country for their commitment and hard work.
#flacdebt101 #NVOLW13