Volunteer lawyers honoured with pro bono award
15 July 2008

A major international lawyers' group meeting in Dublin has given FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) an award for its work in promoting pro bono (free) legal services for disadvantaged persons.
The International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law presented the award at a reception in the Law Society of Ireland hosted by Law Society President, James MacGuill, The presentation was made by Damien Bugg, former Australian DPP and President of the ISRCL.
Mr Bugg said the ISRCL was anxious to honour and support organisations offering pro bono services in the countries where they hold their meetings. The had been impressed by the work of FLAC which had been providing free legal advice and information for people who could not otherwise afford it for almost 40 years. FLAC achieved this through a network of volunteer solicitors and barristers who gave up their free time to advise in FLAC centres.
Accepting the award on behalf of FLAC was Director of Funding and Development, Catherine Hickey and Senior Solicitor, Michael Farrell.