
Press Archive for

  1. FLACLaunch of Irish Human Rights Law Review Issued 20 May 2010 L-R: Michael Farrell, Emily O'Reilly, Donncha O'Connell. Photo: Derek Speirs. At an event in Dublin on Thursday 20 May 2010, hosted by the Public Interest Law Alliance …
  2. Publication Cover - FLAC Annual Report 2009Urgent need to regulate debt collection industry Issued 18 May 2010 A not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for legal rights called today for the regulation of debt collection in Ireland in the face of increasing contact by harassed …
  3. FLACInternational bodies can protect rights at home Issued 7 May 2010 uuLegal rights organisation FLAC today encouraged people in Ireland to use international legal mechanisms to protect their rights at home. Speaking at a seminar organised by …
  4. FLACPray for the dead, but fight like hell for the living Issued 6 May 2010 Notes for a short reflection at ICTU event to mark Workers Memorial Day 28 April 2010 at Chester Beatty Library, Dublin by Noeline Blackwell, Director General, FLAC.   …
  5. PILA (RGB)FLAC event highlights need to use law to create a more equal society Issued 16 April 2010 Public interest law in action: FLAC event highlights need to use law to create a more equal society A conference on Public Interest Law in action taking place today in Dublin …
  6. FLACDeaf jurors plan welcomed by legal rights body Issued 31 March 2010 Legal rights group FLAC has welcomed a proposal to allow deaf and blind persons to serve on juries. FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) has taken a High Court case challenging …
  7. FLACGovernment must not forget 'My NAMA' in debt crisis Issued 30 March 2010 A not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for the legal rights of indebted consumers called on the government today to strike a balance in its approach to Ireland's debt …
  8. FLACURGENT: Volunteer lawyers needed for Arklow centre Issued 16 March 2010 The Legal Advice Centre based in the CIC in Arkow is currently experiencing a shortage of solicitors and/or barristers, which is seriously impairing the service offered to …
  9. FLACMortgage arrears figures for end of 2009 continue to cause worry Issued 3 March 2010 Legal rights organisation FLAC today warned that information from the Financial Regulator on mortgage arrears for the last quarter of 2009 continues the upward trend in …
  10. FLACNew mortgage arrears committee must provide solutions quickly Issued 26 February 2010 Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed confirmation of the formation by the government of a group to deal with the issue of indebtedness. The group includes its Senior …
  11. Publication cover - One Size Doesn't Fit All_Exec SummaryProvision for asylum seekers fails to measure up under human rights law, 10 years on Issued 18 February 2010 At a joint media event today in Dublin's Buswells Hotel to mark United Nations Social Justice Day, legal rights group FLAC called for full-scale reform of the system that …
  12. FLACOireachtas committee echoes FLAC's call to take debts out of the courts Issued 16 February 2010 Legal rights organisation FLAC today welcomed a report from an Oireachtas committee that calls for urgent new measures to tackle overindebtedness. The report from the Joint …
  13. FLACWelcome focus by Minister Ryan on individual debt Issued 30 January 2010 The non-governmental organisation FLAC today welcomed the announcement by Minister Eamon Ryan that the government will soon establish soon an expert panel to advise it in …
  14. FLACChildren's Law Centre NI seeks solicitor Issued 18 January 2010 The Children's Law Centre of Northern Ireland is seeking a solicitor (part-time 17 ½ hours per week, Ref: SOL01/10). Pay will be at NJC Scale 30 - 34 £25,472 - £28,636 per …
  15. FLACSolicitor sought for independent law centre - Dublin area Issued 13 January 2010 Solicitor required for newly established independent law centre working in the homeless sector. Some experience of litigation essential together with a demonstrable interest …
(556 items)
